Lifestyle tips

I can't seem to find a balance

I kinda think if you have unresolved issues with anorexia, then it may be an idea to try to resolve them with a therapist then wait and see how it shakes out?

For me, I've had a personally a very difficult and complicated relationship with my body where the line definitely blurred what I wanted. I wanted to be fat, but the more I explored how I wanted to look and feel about myself, the more it turned out to be a lot of gender dysphoria. Coming to terms with that really helped me personally know what I want, that I do want to be a fat woman but perhaps not to the extent I thought I wanted to be before (since before it was used to help smoke-screen uncomfortable parts of myself). That I do enjoy fat people, and that I see feederism/gaining/mutual gaining as a way to access a body I like rather than a sexual activity in of itself. It kinda helped me take my time more, focus on what I want and feel less anxiety/obsessed about things.

I know my situation definitely doesn't apply to you, but, I dunno, I kinda get it when feederism/gaining/feedee part of life kinda takes over due to unrelated things? I think also there's nothing to say you can't do stuffing and not gain if you're balancing it out with exercise, between session healthiness and the like (although could be a little difficult?). Also, once you know how your anorexia impacts this, then, it may kinda change how you approach this.
2 years