Feedback and suggestions

Message feature in notifications

Love the new feature of being able to message someone who's viewed your profile straight from your notifications.

Well done FF!
2 years

Message feature in notifications

Thank you so much. Hopefully this makes it easier for people to interact with each other on the site.

Remember the site is for for you folks, so any improvements or new features you want to see added, let us know! We don't bite... well not people anyway!

FF Team
2 years

Message feature in notifications

I'd love to see deleted profile messages stay in the inbox. Sometimes people message you before they delete and you can't see anything. If it's contact details, you'll never know. Is there a way around this?
2 years

Message feature in notifications

I agree it is frustrating when someone deletes their account and all the messages then disappear, especially as you say the member may be leaving contact information for you to reach them off site.

When someone delete's their account / or has their account deleted by an admin. All details and content is removed automatically from the site in accordance with GDPR.

In some instances it would be nice to see the last message from a user before the account is removed. In others not so much... Such as members that delete their account because they are trolls, or harassing people, those that have sent out scamming / fishing messages to the site, etc...

So while this may be inconvenient in the cases where it is contact info being left, we do have to consider all eventualities and our responsibility with data. While I do appreciate this can be a little frustrating it is not something we would currently look to change

Hope that helps!

FF Team
2 years

Message feature in notifications

Thank you for your response.

It does help in understanding FF's position but whether a lovely message never seen or harassment never able to be reported - both of which I've been the recipient of based on the message subject lines - I've never been on a site where messages are deleted immediately after account deletion, so it remains a shame in my opinion.

I can always choose not to open a message if I think it might be harassment, after all, so allowing 24 hours or what have you from "Deleted User" rather than their username after account deletion at least enables me to make the choice, not an automated system. If I miss the timeline, too bad, but at least there's an opportunity for me to make the decision about my Inbox, you know?

I find it curious, if you're able to delete messages in case it's harassment, how come there's not a better block function whereby aggressors can't view content of people they've been blocked by? That seems more of a stressful situation than an individual choosing to open a message that might be harassment. I have no way of stopping someone I've blocked from viewing and screenshotting my content. That's not cool and allows people to engage in stalker behaviour very easily.

Is there an opportunity to tighten the block function so that more than messaging is revoked?
2 years

Message feature in notifications

The deletion of an account along with messages and content is a different function from the block feature. So while I do appreciate what you are saying in regards to receiving harassing messages and protection of members, the site functionality is different for both the block feature and the removal of account data from deleted accounts.

The block feature is something we are looking to improve, and is on our list of things to do. Currently, blocked members can not message you, like content, or interact with you via communication methods on the site. So you should not be able to be contacted by a member you have blocked to stop harassment. However they can still see your content, and this is what we will look into updating when we next work on the profiles section of the site.

In regards to a 24hour limit on messages, that may be a possibility, it is something I can certainly suggest to hiccupx. l'm not sure of the particulars of how that could be coded or implemented to the site, or if it is possible how long it would take to add that as a feature. But leave it with me and I will ensure to raise it with hiccupx for consideration.

Hope that helps.

2 years

Message feature in notifications

Very helpful. Thank you for explaining the functionality aspects. I appreciate being able to understand it better.

The only other thing that would improve the FF experience for me, and I can only speak for me, is an app. But I know they're expensive and not a simple build. Otherwise I'm really enjoying my time here.

Thanks again for your time and support 😊
2 years