Lifestyle tips

Goal vs. reality

I have a question for people who have been able to gain weight.
Did you manage to reach your weight goals or did you do more or less than expected?
2 years

Goal vs. reality

Ex-gainer here. When I started my journey, I was 115 lbs and dreamed of being a curvy 200 lbs woman. Since I gain pretty evenly, I probably would I have been a plus-sized hourglass.

Fast foward to 130, and I notice I feel heavier. Nothing major, but I don't feel as light as I used to. And I notice a jiggle on my sides whenever I power walked. It was a sensor heck scape. So I decided to gain muscle and fat at the same time.

I was not prepared for how much I liked putting on muscle. I've always been active, but not like that. I felt strong and lightweight even though I was getting heavier. It was a real struggle because the body I dreamed of wasn't the body I was getting. I knew that if I changed things up, I could be fat. But I just couldn't stop exercising. It was like a drug.

I was around 150 when I started making peace with my conflicting desires. I knew that the fat woman of my dreams would never be a reality. And I realized I would never be happy at that weight. I stopped gaining at 168 and have been maintaining ever since.

I don't regret it. I look beautiful and I feel powerful. I stare at myself in the mirror and I no longer feel the disdain I felt at 115. I didn't get what I wanted, and I couldn't be happier.
2 years

Goal vs. reality

A couple of years back I was about 280 lbs and had a goal to reach 150Kg (330 lbs) and I did achieve this within a few months. However I then had a health scare and lost down to about130 Kg (286 lbs). Have regained back to 148 Kg (326 lbs) now and on the way to set new records.
2 years

Goal vs. reality

As a feeder, reality actually blew away my goals.

When we started dating, I fantasized about fattening her up, but thought it would be unrealistic. But she just started packing on pounds more and more. There was a point where I thought things had gone too far. Is she getting TOO fat? Should I subtly influence her to go on a diet?

But I saw she was healthy, happy, lovely- and rather than being tragic and unfortunate, her becoming immobile and helpless with her own weight was adorable and I love helping her out.

Reality actually became more extreme than my fantasy. When I started dating this chubby girl I had no idea I would be earnestly discussing making her as fat as humanly possible, and that she'd be nodding along with me.
1 year