Lifestyle tips

Transgender and gaining

Hey y’all,
I’ve been transitioning for a little over 2 years and I finally decided to gain properly. Due to medication side effects (not related to HRT) I’ve already gained 50 lbs. Do y’all have any recommendations for like survival tips or fat survival guides. Thanks!
2 years

Transgender and gaining

Hey y’all,
I’ve been transitioning for a little over 2 years and I finally decided to gain properly. Due to medication side effects (not related to HRT) I’ve already gained 50 lbs. Do y’all have any recommendations for like survival tips or fat survival guides. Thanks!

What do you mean by "survival"?
2 years

Transgender and gaining

Like stuff people wish they had known I guess
2 years

Transgender and gaining

Like stuff people wish they had known I guess

Looking for trans-specific stuff? Or general weight gain stuff? I can help with the second. No clue on the first.
2 years

Transgender and gaining

General stuff is definitely appreciated!
2 years

Transgender and gaining

Try to not say the word like so much.
Not being mean or putting you down but people say that word too much and in sentences where it doesn't belong grammatically.

Happy gaining !!
2 years

Transgender and gaining

Try to not say the word like so much.
Not being mean or putting you down but people say that word too much and in sentences where it doesn't belong grammatically.

Happy gaining !!

Totally fair. I’ve been mostly focused on other things so I wasn’t thinking about my writing.
2 years

Transgender and gaining

Try to not say the word like so much.
Not being mean or putting you down but people say that word too much and in sentences where it doesn't belong grammatically.

Happy gaining !!

Totally fair. I’ve been mostly focused on other things so I wasn’t thinking about my writing.

A few things come to mind:

If you have a high metabolism, it can be hard to start gaining. This is normal. Once you figure out what works for you, it will get easier.

Take care of yourself. Getting fat doesn't mean you can't eat healthy foods or exercise. You can, and you should. If you build healthy habits during your gaining journey, you'll face fewer complications as you get bigger. Nothing will cap a gain faster than health issues.

Adjust your gaining to your wallet. Getting fat is expensive. There's the cost of food, clothing, and other various things that might pop up depending on how big you get and how you gain weight.

Have fun. Don't get so caught up in gaining weight that you forget to enjoy your body. And don't let other people put their expectations on you.
2 years

Transgender and gaining

Wise words Munchie.
I will add junk food overload is not healthy.
One tip I can give is eat what you like just larger portions and snack more.
My metabolism was fast so it took me months to see any gains and those didn't stick and if I gained 5 lbs it would vanish quickly.
Once your metabolism slows gaining will be much easier.
2 years

Transgender and gaining

I'd say the only trans specific advice I could kinda give is the more you're on HRT (and the more your bloodwork reflects the gender you're transitioning to), the more that any weight you gain will go to the "right areas" that'll add to the figure you want. Besides that, I think general advice is really things that'll help, just not sure if I'd ever use the term "survival tips", haha. Gaining and being fat should be fun, not, y'know, like survival.
2 years
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