Lifestyle tips

First feeder experience

I found the one, she amazing and even wants to try letting me stuff her silly and rub her belly, but I’ve never tried to do it before, any advice for a noob ?

Congrats! I'm happy for you!
For you're first time, I recommend going the sweet and caring route.

Make sure you get all her favorites. Find out how much she normally eats and get at least double.

Ask her before hand if she wants to feed herself, have you hand feed her, or some combination of the two. Also ask her if she's okay with being pleasured while she eat.

Make sure she's comfy - perhaps even put on some music. Have all the food in easy reach.

Worship her while she eats. Don't just rub her belly. Rub her anywhere she lets you - make her feel good. Tell her how honored you are that she's letting you do this. That you want to make her feel good.

Go at her own pace. If she taps out, that's fine. The first session should be about finding her limits and figuring out what she likes.
1 year

First feeder experience

Thank you so much for all the great advices, I’ll make sure to buy double the amount

We agreed to go shopping for snacks of her choice, but I’ll make sure what ever she orders at McDonald’s I’ll order two of them

And perfect, I’ll make sure to not only rub her belly but all over, and should I wait until she’s almost finished eating to pleasure her ?

Depends on her. I personally prefer to edge my feedee until he's about done or finished eating. I also enjoy making him cum as much as I can, but that may be too much for a first time.
1 year