
Fast food min/max

Hi! I'm looking to gather data on the most fattening fast food meals to prepare a weight gain diet based 80% on eating fast foods. I understand the health risks of eating solely Fast Food, and plan to cut back if it really starts causing issues, but it is an easy way to get a kick-start of the pounds. What are some of the most fattening combo items/restaurants/deals that you utilize the most?
2 years

Fast food min/max

Do you mean the most calories for single food items? or generally foods that are high in calories?
2 years

Fast food min/max

You might just have to shop around and look it up. In theory I could tell you some things, but there's a number of regional fast food chains that I have that you don't have, and vice versa.

It's also not going to be as simple as calorie counts. Size of the item, and how well you tolerate and digest it are factors as well, not to mention whether you'd have the ability to eat multiple. Also how filling it is, and how full you feel 1-5 hours later. This seems to affect folks differently, not to mention everyone has preferences.

Sure, I could tell you the largest shakes from Sonic have impressive calorie counts, but those are so big you might be more limited in what else you might also be able to eat at the time. So the weird thing perhaps, is that some items could ultimately reduce the number of calories you might eat in a sitting.

Another thing to remember as well, is that posted calorie counts assume a default recipe. No substitutions, additions, or subtractions. Adding things like bacon and mayonnaise will increase calorie count, and may not have much affect on how filling the food is.

Also if you see a "single" burger somewhere, you can make it a double.

And whatever you do, keep it varied so it stays fun. It will somehow get boring, and feel like work if you try to eat the same thing just because it has the highest calorie count. Then you know what happens? You burn out and then you stop and take a break, possibly for much longer than you intended, because it's not fun. And if this happens, this is far more devastating to a gain than missing out on a few calories.
2 years

Fast food min/max

Do you mean the most calories for single food items? or generally foods that are high in calories?

Either Or, just some "favorites" on fast food, the recommendations of people more experienced in gaining than I am. I attempted google counts but they always state items that just aren't on the menu anymore
2 years

Fast food min/max

If you really want to kickstart your gain, two things will be important.
Some already menationed above.

1. The obvious one is know you Kalories and eat accordingly.

5-7 thousand Kalories is what most people can eat on a daily basis, more is difficult to maintain on a daly basis. food that you can digest well, if you body copes well with fast food that is awesome, since they usually give you the calories on there website plus it is easily abvilabel etc.

More tips for getting in the calories, 3 solid meal increasing in size over the day plus constant snacking .
Don’t forget ice cream and WG-shakes 🧐
2 years

Fast food min/max

Hi! I'm looking to gather data on the most fattening fast food meals to prepare a weight gain diet based 80% on eating fast foods. I understand the health risks of eating solely Fast Food, and plan to cut back if it really starts causing issues, but it is an easy way to get a kick-start of the pounds. What are some of the most fattening combo items/restaurants/deals that you utilize the most?

You can't really min/max your weight gain. There's a lot more to it that eating a bunch of calories.

Putting aside the risks to a fast food diet, there's a lot more to it with weight gain. You have to consider your metabolism, you're ability to absorb the calories, if you can even eat that much food, etc.

There are some high calories foods out there that, if I eat them, I won't want anything else to eat for a while. Ironically, it lowers my overall calorie intake for the day.

Don't rush the gains, man. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
2 years

Fast food min/max

Hi! I'm looking to gather data on the most fattening fast food meals to prepare a weight gain diet based 80% on eating fast foods. I understand the health risks of eating solely Fast Food, and plan to cut back if it really starts causing issues, but it is an easy way to get a kick-start of the pounds. What are some of the most fattening combo items/restaurants/deals that you utilize the most?

You can't really min/max your weight gain. There's a lot more to it that eating a bunch of calories.

Putting aside the risks to a fast food diet, there's a lot more to it with weight gain. You have to consider your metabolism, you're ability to absorb the calories, if you can even eat that much food, etc.

There are some high calories foods out there that, if I eat them, I won't want anything else to eat for a while. Ironically, it lowers my overall calorie intake for the day.

Don't rush the gains, man. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

That's a fair point, maybe I didn't phrase it quite right. I "dont" want to just find the fattiest food across all the chains, and eat exclusively that. Rather, I wanted to find two or three items at a few different places, so I have some choices to pick from whenever I feel like eating something particularly fattening. Heavy Cream is still my top "pure fattening items" but I wanted to find just a whole lot of fattening options
2 years

Fast food min/max

Hi! I'm looking to gather data on the most fattening fast food meals to prepare a weight gain diet based 80% on eating fast foods. I understand the health risks of eating solely Fast Food, and plan to cut back if it really starts causing issues, but it is an easy way to get a kick-start of the pounds. What are some of the most fattening combo items/restaurants/deals that you utilize the most?

You can't really min/max your weight gain. There's a lot more to it that eating a bunch of calories.

Putting aside the risks to a fast food diet, there's a lot more to it with weight gain. You have to consider your metabolism, you're ability to absorb the calories, if you can even eat that much food, etc.

There are some high calories foods out there that, if I eat them, I won't want anything else to eat for a while. Ironically, it lowers my overall calorie intake for the day.

Don't rush the gains, man. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

That's a fair point, maybe I didn't phrase it quite right. I "dont" want to just find the fattiest food across all the chains, and eat exclusively that. Rather, I wanted to find two or three items at a few different places, so I have some choices to pick from whenever I feel like eating something particularly fattening. Heavy Cream is still my top "pure fattening items" but I wanted to find just a whole lot of fattening options

As a feeder, my advise is to eat your favorites. Just increase the amount and/or frequency. You're over thinking this.

If you want more calories, add some sauces and sides. So instead of getting a burger, get a combo meal. Eat your fries with ketchup. Load up on toppings. Skip the ice in your soda.

Little things like that add up quickly. Plus they are easier to incorporate.

Plus, it's a lot easier to ensure the item will be on the menu.
2 years

Fast food min/max

Hi! I'm looking to gather data on the most fattening fast food meals to prepare a weight gain diet based 80% on eating fast foods. I understand the health risks of eating solely Fast Food, and plan to cut back if it really starts causing issues, but it is an easy way to get a kick-start of the pounds. What are some of the most fattening combo items/restaurants/deals that you utilize the most?

You can't really min/max your weight gain. There's a lot more to it that eating a bunch of calories.

Putting aside the risks to a fast food diet, there's a lot more to it with weight gain. You have to consider your metabolism, you're ability to absorb the calories, if you can even eat that much food, etc.

There are some high calories foods out there that, if I eat them, I won't want anything else to eat for a while. Ironically, it lowers my overall calorie intake for the day.

Don't rush the gains, man. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

That's a fair point, maybe I didn't phrase it quite right. I "dont" want to just find the fattiest food across all the chains, and eat exclusively that. Rather, I wanted to find two or three items at a few different places, so I have some choices to pick from whenever I feel like eating something particularly fattening. Heavy Cream is still my top "pure fattening items" but I wanted to find just a whole lot of fattening options

As a feeder, my advise is to eat your favorites. Just increase the amount and/or frequency. You're over thinking this.

If you want more calories, add some sauces and sides. So instead of getting a burger, get a combo meal. Eat your fries with ketchup. Load up on toppings. Skip the ice in your soda.

Little things like that add up quickly. Plus they are easier to incorporate.

Plus, it's a lot easier to ensure the item will be on the menu.

Thank you, that sounds like some real sound advice! I'll try to do that in the future, especially when the McDonald's by my work opens up again, that stuff's my jam
2 years

Fast food min/max

MinMaxing your money per calorie is important. Go for Burger King's 2 for 10: 2 Big Kings, 2 small fries, and 2 Fantas for $10 is the most calorie dense choice.
2 years
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