Fat experiences

What i love about plumping up!

It's funny to me, but I love the idea of being big. I always wanted to be big, even when I was little. I padded all the time, so much that I busted my seams. And I would dream about being very obese and looking in the mirror at my smiling self. That was my childhood. And now I love the idea of taking up space as it gives me a feeling of power and strength. Not to mention, I actually love the idea of being a chubby American woman greeting people who are new to the country and who also dream of eating as well as I do (and maybe getting big). I get so embarrassed when I think about my weight gain, but I can't seem to stop. Not only do I love my soft belly, but I just love food way too much. If I'm not careful, I am going to wind up being such a fatty. Lol.
2 years

What i love about plumping up!

I spent my child hood skinny but never thought about getting fat. I know I liked fat boys and was very attracted to them.
I guess the reason I am fat now is because I hated being skinny and it was my way to control my life and make myself happy.
I love taking up space too.
I love being the fattest woman in the room.
Why you may ask? I don't know.
2 years

What i love about plumping up!

On the male side of things, I just like myself better with a gut :-) I was skin and bones growing up, so I’ve enjoyed the change!
2 years

What i love about plumping up!

I love that my belly and arms jiggle so much.
I love that my belly and thighs do touch more and more often.
I love how deep my belly button is.
I love how much food I can eat.[/quote

I love the fact that people that I know have to do a double take that I gotten fat. It's like OMG, you're fat. I love the fact that I became astounded with my weight gain. I love the fact that I bump into things with my belly. I love the fact that I don't have to apologize about being fat.
2 years

What i love about plumping up!

I love that my belly and arms jiggle so much.
I love that my belly and thighs do touch more and more often.
I love how deep my belly button is.
I love how much food I can eat.[/quote

I love the fact that people that I know have to do a double take that I gotten fat. It's like OMG, you're fat. I love the fact that I became astounded with my weight gain. I love the fact that I bump into things with my belly. I love the fact that I don't have to apologize about being fat.

And I love your description above. Such a turn-on to read. And what a wonderful way to describe why you love being fat.
2 years

What i love about plumping up!

I love that my belly and arms jiggle so much.
I love that my belly and thighs do touch more and more often.
I love how deep my belly button is.
I love how much food I can eat.[/quote

I love the fact that people that I know have to do a double take that I gotten fat. It's like OMG, you're fat. I love the fact that I became astounded with my weight gain. I love the fact that I bump into things with my belly. I love the fact that I don't have to apologize about being fat.

Sounds so hot. Love the bit where you bump into things left and right.
2 years

What i love about plumping up!

Fat On The Inside:
I actually love the idea of being a chubby American woman greeting people who are new to the country and who also dream of eating as well as I do. Lol.

This was a thing for me as well...when I was deciding to fatten up and what I wanted to look like, I found myself wanting to look like a European's nightmare of an American tourist: round and well-fed, constantly eating. Since I've fattened up, I've been to other countries and have even had people poke my belly. smiley
2 years

What i love about plumping up!

I love seeing old pictures of myself when I was 60 pounds lighter. It really puts in perspective how big I've gotten.
2 years

What i love about plumping up!

Still get shocked when I look at old pics from 3-4 years ago

Still get soacked *
1 year

What i love about plumping up!

I love to see how last summer's clothes fit tight and uncomfortable. Last night I went out with some friends and wore a pair of pants I haven't worn since last year and a belt that I often wore when I went to class. Well, when we ate I had to take off the belt and the button of the pants came flying off when I had my second beer. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before and it was very embarrassing, but my friends laughed and just joked. It was quite an experience.
1 year