Extreme obesity

Practical extreme obesity

I am in a pretty amazing relationship with a submissive feedee that not only craves being fed and fattened but is sexually aroused by the thought of growing too fat to move or leave the bed. She has been gaining pretty steadily during our relationship and is now between 500-600 lbs range – now that this fantasy is getting closer to a reality I wanted to share what we’ve been doing/plan on doing with the community. Any advice on how to make things more practical and healthier within the realm of extreme obesity is appreciated.

Firstly with her gain we have been limiting all sugars significantly. The main things she eats is regular meals with fats/proteins and complex carbohydrates (in large quantities). No candy, no ice cream, no cakes, donuts or junk food – just meats (bacon, turkey, ham, etc), loaded baked potatoes, PB&Js, rice/beans, burgers and fries, frozen veggie/noodles/meals, lasagna, pizza, eggs and waffles, etc. I want to make sure we aren’t causing eventual insulin resistance and making her diabetic with the constant influx of sugar, which then causes a whole host of other problems. Also limiting the simple sugars, high fructose corn syrup and alcohol sugars prevents the visceral fat gain (which then leads to metabolic syndrome and various other health problems as well) and in so doing we maximize the sexy and feminine subcutaneous fat gain. I really want to be a kind feeder and do things circumspectly so that by the time she becomes 700+ lbs she is happy and as healthy as possible. Now, I do allow her to splurge for one day on cake/sugars for special occasions like when she passes a milestone (300, 400, 500 lbs, etc). But as time goes by she says she gets heartburn and doesn’t feel great after eating sugars after not having them for so long.

Seeing as how I limit her gain with sugars and traditional junk foods, the main way I’ve been packing the fat on her is with daily weight gain shakes, mainly heavy cream. Every day she has a quart of heavy cream + a scoop of mass gainer. This equates to approx. 3500 calories alone of mainly fat/saturated fat and non-sugar carbs from the gain mix. Wondering if a quart is too much heavy cream per day – regarding the saturated fats? Im not sure but that’s what shes been taking, spread out into 2 different shakes during the day. Regardless, she is able to reliably consume 7000 calories a day when the shakes are incorporated and easily put on 4-5 lbs a week.

Concerning nutrition, the gain mix has a lot of high % vitamins and minerals in them which helps; I also have her take a green veggie and red veggies superfood pill that has all the other things she needs for her health in them as well (Superfood Greens and Superfood Reds specifically). Also I incorporate an enzyme pill to help with her digestion whenever we remember, which a lot of times I am bad at remember considering it needs to be consumed 20min before a meal, and for her big feedings (MD Enzyme).

Regarding her daily exercise it is practically non-existent other than walking from the bedroom to the bathroom throughout the day. I am hoping this is enough exercise to promote blood flow and whatnot…I mean eventually she is going to be bedbound and Ill be helping her do leg raises and minor exercises in bed multiple times a day to promote good venous circulation. Other than this physical exercise, she is practically coming to orgasm multiple times every day from how much she loves this life style – so her heart is getting plenty of beats and exercise with this daily excitement of growing into a fat piggy. I am hopeful this is enough exercise but Im not sure. I have a mini fridge, food shelf, and microwave all within arms reach of the bed so she doesn’t have to do anything more than sit up when Im at work and not able to bring things to her. Right now she is still very mobile at 500ish lbs; but I see things changing drastically after another 100lbs…which at the rate we are going is going to be maybe 4-5 more months.
2 years

Practical extreme obesity

I am in a pretty amazing relationship with a submissive feedee that not only craves being fed and fattened but is sexually aroused by the thought of growing too fat to move or leave the bed. She has been gaining pretty steadily during our relationship and is now between 500-600 lbs range – now that this fantasy is getting closer to a reality I wanted to share what we’ve been doing/plan on doing with the community. Any advice on how to make things more practical and healthier within the realm of extreme obesity is appreciated.

Firstly with her gain we have been limiting all sugars significantly. The main things she eats is regular meals with fats/proteins and complex carbohydrates (in large quantities). No candy, no ice cream, no cakes, donuts or junk food – just meats (bacon, turkey, ham, etc), loaded baked potatoes, PB&Js, rice/beans, burgers and fries, frozen veggie/noodles/meals, lasagna, pizza, eggs and waffles, etc. I want to make sure we aren’t causing eventual insulin resistance and making her diabetic with the constant influx of sugar, which then causes a whole host of other problems. Also limiting the simple sugars, high fructose corn syrup and alcohol sugars prevents the visceral fat gain (which then leads to metabolic syndrome and various other health problems as well) and in so doing we maximize the sexy and feminine subcutaneous fat gain. I really want to be a kind feeder and do things circumspectly so that by the time she becomes 700+ lbs she is happy and as healthy as possible. Now, I do allow her to splurge for one day on cake/sugars for special occasions like when she passes a milestone (300, 400, 500 lbs, etc). But as time goes by she says she gets heartburn and doesn’t feel great after eating sugars after not having them for so long.

Seeing as how I limit her gain with sugars and traditional junk foods, the main way I’ve been packing the fat on her is with daily weight gain shakes, mainly heavy cream. Every day she has a quart of heavy cream + a scoop of mass gainer. This equates to approx. 3500 calories alone of mainly fat/saturated fat and non-sugar carbs from the gain mix. Wondering if a quart is too much heavy cream per day – regarding the saturated fats? Im not sure but that’s what shes been taking, spread out into 2 different shakes during the day. Regardless, she is able to reliably consume 7000 calories a day when the shakes are incorporated and easily put on 4-5 lbs a week.

Concerning nutrition, the gain mix has a lot of high % vitamins and minerals in them which helps; I also have her take a green veggie and red veggies superfood pill that has all the other things she needs for her health in them as well (Superfood Greens and Superfood Reds specifically). Also I incorporate an enzyme pill to help with her digestion whenever we remember, which a lot of times I am bad at remember considering it needs to be consumed 20min before a meal, and for her big feedings (MD Enzyme).

Regarding her daily exercise it is practically non-existent other than walking from the bedroom to the bathroom throughout the day. I am hoping this is enough exercise to promote blood flow and whatnot…I mean eventually she is going to be bedbound and Ill be helping her do leg raises and minor exercises in bed multiple times a day to promote good venous circulation. Other than this physical exercise, she is practically coming to orgasm multiple times every day from how much she loves this life style – so her heart is getting plenty of beats and exercise with this daily excitement of growing into a fat piggy. I am hopeful this is enough exercise but Im not sure. I have a mini fridge, food shelf, and microwave all within arms reach of the bed so she doesn’t have to do anything more than sit up when Im at work and not able to bring things to her. Right now she is still very mobile at 500ish lbs; but I see things changing drastically after another 100lbs…which at the rate we are going is going to be maybe 4-5 more months.

Couple of things.

If she wants to be immobile, she isn't going to be healthy. There are things you can do to midigate problems, but she won't be healthy.

You are on the right track with her diet, but I am concerned about her gainer shake intake paired with her exercise levels. To put it simple, that is a heart attack in the making. Slow down on the heavy cream and the shakes. I'd increase her cardio as well. There are tons of things she can do without doing a lot of walking. People in wheelchairs do it all the time.

She's gaining at a pretty steady clip. 100 lbs in 4 to 5 months is rather impressive. Still, I hope she's getting regular and frequent check ups as that is a lot of weight at once. Tons of complications can pop up.
2 years

Practical extreme obesity

Thanks for the comment, we are getting regular checkups every 6 months or sooner. So far no issues with her A1C, no pre-diabetes and no cholesterol issues at all. Also her blood pressure is better than mine and looking normal. In light of all of these things I’m not worried about any cardiac event like you mentioned even with her minimalistic exercise. She’s also in her young 30s, plenty of time to make her really fat and happy God willing
2 years

Practical extreme obesity

Good evening! I’ll bite (pun intended)

Your “piggy’s” gain (your word- no disrespect intended) is quite remarkable! A few related questions:

You mentioned regular checkups. What does her doctor/medical team say about her gain? Do they know the intends to gain on purpose? These are things I’ve always wondered about the (especially newly) extremely obese among us.

Also, what does her family think of her gain?

Lastly, does she have a presence on social media at all outside of your posts about her?

2 years

Practical extreme obesity

Sure thing, regarding her check up visits of course they will recommend losing weight and give referrals to a nutritionist but that’s the extent; the main thing is that all of her labs and vitals are good and if they are there is no concern further in my mind (or really in theirs until something manifests and then they will say she needs to lose weight because of XYZ that is now starting to happen). Regarding family interaction about her gain, she has a unique family situation and suffice to say it is not a problem or concern. She does and has had a social media presence, she has her own profile on this site and follows me, but we’ve decided it would be best to do a joint profile like what we are doing now. Thanks for the questions.
2 years

Practical extreme obesity

Is there a plan for more frequent photo updates? Sorry to go off topic. Will be willing to discuss in pm if needed!
2 years

Practical extreme obesity

We are almost caught up to where she is right now - approx 515lbs. So it will be slow after I post the most recent ones sadly
2 years

Practical extreme obesity

Chiming in here with some info.

Firstly I'm going to disagree that the heavy cream is a heart attack waiting to happen. I can link studies if you'd like but it's been observed that dairy fats either have a neutral or beneficial effect on cardiovascular health and that saturated fats from dairy DO NOT work like the kinds we find in junk food.

Second I just wanted to mention that pizza, fries, PB&J, etc is usually loaded with simple carbs that WILL contribute to diabetes, visceral fat, inflammation and metabolic health problems.
2 years

Practical extreme obesity

Agree about your comments on the dairy and some of the food items. We are limiting them, not taking them out completely - the main things taken out completely from her diet are the straight sugars: candy, desserts, sodas, junk food, etc. Regarding PBJs we go minimal on the jelly and get the non added sugar versions, also no white breads which are metabolized into simple sugars; pizza is a mix, the dough is considered a simple carbohydrate which is fair for you to mention; but the majority of the calories from it are the fats and proteins. Appreciate the comments all
2 years

Practical extreme obesity

We typically get the thick cut bacon and for the rest of the ground beefs and what not we'll go middle of the road 80/20. Id say for quality of food we are middle as well - we dont shop at Wholefoods but we dont get the cheapest highest (bad) fat food either. Thankfully she isnt that picky when it comes to taste with most foods although she is very picky about fruits and veggies and doesnt get many of those in (ergo why we use fruit/veggie supplements with her meals regularly). Honestly the main stay is the shakes of heavy cream and mass gainer. That is an enormous amount of easy to consume good calories.
2 years
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