Lifestyle tips

Advice on talking with my gf about my weight gain desire

Blimp Bizkit:
So for context: Me and my GF has been together for more than a year now. We both love each other very much and are happy together smiley She is a bit on the heavy side as well but does not desire to gain weight and is not a part of the feederism community. She is atm trying to loose weight which I respect, as I know she is not feeling comfortable with being very big.

She is pansexual and I know she loves me for who I am and I know she really does not mind my extra weight at all smiley (She has even stated it herself quite clearly on it).

She practically knows everything about me, but she does not know that I want to actively gain weight and become fatter.

I know deep inside that she would be okay with it, as long as it does not go too far of course, but I am also a bit anxious on how to bring it up or talk to her openly about it more. I know she loves me for me, and has even said "if you gain weight, there is just more to love".

I dont want to toss her straight into the feederism world, but just start slowly with "I want to gain weight and I like being fat" and take things as it comes.

I just dont really know how to say it or bring it up really, I just feel anxious over it as I have never really told anyone (outside the feederism community) about what I really want and I guess im just building up the courage to bring it up to talk about it with her.

I think my big fear is that she will become afraid that I will become far too fat and put myself at a health risk, with me saying I want to get fatter. I know she is respectful of peoples choices and their own bodies, but I know she would put her foot down if she feels like something can be potentially dangerous.

This is a non-issue. Just tell her. She may not become your feeder, but she will at least be supportive
1 year