Feedback and suggestions

Search profiles seems to be broken. distance breaks it

It appears that selecting a distance breaks the search function entirely. Any ideas why?
2 years

Search profiles seems to be broken. distance breaks it

Hi Serafis,

Thanks for getting in touch. Can you please confirm what you mean when you say filtering profiles by distance breaks the profile search?

I have checked the search and this seems to be working for me.

Please note that when you add the distance filter and leave the sort to: 'order by last online'. The search results will display the closest person and last online. So someone who is further away but logged on more recently will display higher in the search results

If this is not the issue, please do give further info and we can take a look.

FF Team
2 years

Search profiles seems to be broken. distance breaks it

When I click on profile, then search and go to distance and set it to 100 miles for example or any miles, then click search the website loads a blank white screen. This has been the case for 6 years now. Regardless of if I’m on a mobile phone or computer I get a blank screen.
2 years

Search profiles seems to be broken. distance breaks it

Hi Serafis,

Thanks for getting in touch and providing further information.

Sorry to hear you've had this problem for a number of years. It's not an issue I have been aware of, and it has not been brought to our attention by other members. As stated previously, the section seems to be working for me so I will need to refer this to the site owner, as I am not sure what the issue is here.

Can you please tell me what device and browser you are using.

Thank you for your co-operation!

FF Team
2 years

Search profiles seems to be broken. distance breaks it

Hi c00kie

I’m using an iPhone currently and usually use safari smiley

Maybe it’s an issue on apple structures
2 years

Search profiles seems to be broken. distance breaks it

Hi c00kie

I’m using an iPhone currently and usually use safari smiley

Maybe it’s an issue on apple structures
2 years

Search profiles seems to be broken. distance breaks it

Thanks for getting back to us with this information. I will pass this over to the site owner so we can look into this and do some testing!


FF Team
2 years

Search profiles seems to be broken. distance breaks it

Hi Serafis,

The issue seems to be that there was no location selected on your profile. When you were searching by distance no results appeared because there was no location to search from.

We do need to get something place, so that if this happens it prompts people to add a location as just seeing a blank screen does appear as if there is some error.

hiccupx has added the location of 'New York' to your profile just to see if the search worked, and everything is now functioning as it should. All you need to do is change the location so that it actually matches where you are based, and you will then be able to see profiles that are in your area.

Just go to 'My Profile' and where it has the location, under your username. Click the pink edit button, and enter your location.

Hope this helps!

FF Team
2 years

Search profiles seems to be broken. distance breaks it

All these years and it was just my profile was glitched on the location (facepalms) haha thanks for looking into this I was always wondering why it all of a sudden broke one day.
2 years

Search profiles seems to be broken. distance breaks it

All these years and it was just my profile was glitched on the location (facepalms) haha thanks for looking into this I was always wondering why it all of a sudden broke one day.
2 years
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