Lifestyle tips

Fantasy met reality, and everything got even more confusing.

I started seeing this woman a few months ago. She’s the first girlfriend I had that’s above normal weight by a large margin.

All my exes were either skinny or normal weight. Weight isn’t a deal breaker for me - I can enjoy sex with people regardless of their weight and I find all sorts of body shapes attractive. I don’t even feel like fat alone can define my attraction - a person can be overweight and still have a body type that’s unappealing to me.

But I’ve always had this fascination with fat. I don’t act on it because I understand that most people dislike being overweight, feel unattractive when they gain weight and such. I feel that way about my own body.

I’m crazy about how big my current gf is.
I wanna grab every inch of her body, is so beautiful. I love seeing her belly spill over when she lies on her side, I love how soft and large her hips are, how her behind is so big I have trouble reaching around it. It’s very apparent I’m enjoying all of this, so much that she even asked me if I’m into bigger girls. I told her the truth, without going into the details.

She’s gained weight since we started dating. Can’t be more than a couple of pounds, but her work outfits are evidently tight and I can’t get enough of it. She isn’t happy about the new poundage so I avoid bringing it up, but damn. I’m conflicted between being happy about her tightening wardrobe and being sad about her getting further away from her desired weight.

I encourage her to lose the weight if she feels unhappy about it. I’m relatively active myself, so I told her she could join my workouts if she’d like.

But I feel like a hypocrite. How can I encourage her to lose weight while I’m fantasizing about popping the buttons on her blouse? I want her to be healthy and happy. My desire for her to gain is part of a fantasy I never thought I’d come close to fulfilling in real life, and I’d never actively pursue against someone’s wishes.

Should I tell her about it explicitly? Is there a good way to explain it without sounding like a freak? I see how FAs are depicted online and in the media and I don’t want her to get the wrong idea. I also feel like the odds of her finding out by accidentally stumbling upon an open ff tab are relatively high. How do I say “I love how big you are and I find it sexy that you’ve gained weight” without making her self-conscious about it?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
1 year

Fantasy met reality, and everything got even more confusing.

I started seeing this woman a few months ago. She’s the first girlfriend I had that’s above normal weight by a large margin.

All my exes were either skinny or normal weight. Weight isn’t a deal breaker for me - I can enjoy sex with people regardless of their weight and I find all sorts of body shapes attractive. I don’t even feel like fat alone can define my attraction - a person can be overweight and still have a body type that’s unappealing to me.

But I’ve always had this fascination with fat. I don’t act on it because I understand that most people dislike being overweight, feel unattractive when they gain weight and such. I feel that way about my own body.

I’m crazy about how big my current gf is.
I wanna grab every inch of her body, is so beautiful. I love seeing her belly spill over when she lies on her side, I love how soft and large her hips are, how her behind is so big I have trouble reaching around it. It’s very apparent I’m enjoying all of this, so much that she even asked me if I’m into bigger girls. I told her the truth, without going into the details.

She’s gained weight since we started dating. Can’t be more than a couple of pounds, but her work outfits are evidently tight and I can’t get enough of it. She isn’t happy about the new poundage so I avoid bringing it up, but damn. I’m conflicted between being happy about her tightening wardrobe and being sad about her getting further away from her desired weight.

I encourage her to lose the weight if she feels unhappy about it. I’m relatively active myself, so I told her she could join my workouts if she’d like.

But I feel like a hypocrite. How can I encourage her to lose weight while I’m fantasizing about popping the buttons on her blouse? I want her to be healthy and happy. My desire for her to gain is part of a fantasy I never thought I’d come close to fulfilling in real life, and I’d never actively pursue against someone’s wishes.

Should I tell her about it explicitly? Is there a good way to explain it without sounding like a freak? I see how FAs are depicted online and in the media and I don’t want her to get the wrong idea. I also feel like the odds of her finding out by accidentally stumbling upon an open ff tab are relatively high. How do I say “I love how big you are and I find it sexy that you’ve gained weight” without making her self-conscious about it?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I'd say something like "I know you haven't been happy with your body lately, but I want you to know you are so sexy to me. You'd be sexy to me even if you got bigger. In fact, those very pounds that you hate, I love. Still, I want you to know I want you to be happy first in foremost. Whether that means losing weight, gaining weight, or staying the same, I will support you 100%. I will love you and find you attractive no matter what."

It is important to say this face-to-face. Don't say thing on date night. Just any point you two are by yourselves and just hanging out.
1 year