
Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?

I would love to tell my girlfriend how i feel about feederism and that she should keep gaining but i am feeling bad for wanting her to have a "bad" lifestyle. I am concerned about long term risks and health. I would be happy about some input from experienced feedees and some tips how we could manage a healthy weight gain journey. I would be happy bout some helpful advices for the daily life as well. What are common struggles when you are big? where can i help as feeder or as a partner? how could I make the weight gain process as comfortable as possible for her?
2 years

Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?'s not.

Unless you're a pro athlete and even then there's a lot of strain on your knees and joints that only gets worse with age.

Definitely doesn't mean you can't he active, but it's not "healthy".
2 years

Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?

Yeah i thought more of a fit lifestyle. I am aware that fat always brings a worse health.
But how do feeder/feedee couples handle this aspect? I mean my partner is the person i love so I really don´t want to do something harmfull to her.
2 years

Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?

Reflection Of Perfection:'s not.

Unless you're a pro athlete and even then there's a lot of strain on your knees and joints that only gets worse with age.

Definitely doesn't mean you can't he active, but it's not "healthy".

It's actually super possible. I have fat friends and loved ones that are bigger and in great shape and are healthy.

Of course, they are also under 300 lbs, active, and eat healthily. One of them is my hiking buddy.

For the larger crowd, you can have good vitals, but you won't be fit. As a health conscious extreme feeder, it really is a game of threading the needle and managing risks.
2 years

Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?

Concur with Munchies that it is possible.

Also depends upon how one defines “healthy”.

I have the amazing fortune of having a new superfat girlfriend who’s in the low 300s of pounds (around 1.6 m tall, for some nice mixed units of measure). When the Metro A/Blue line was in a literal train wreck, she wanted to walk the 6 reasonably-long blocks to the next station rather than backtrack 3 blocks to the station where we’d just been. Yes, the relative slowness had something to do with her carrying twice as much of herself mass-wise as me, but had more to do with a long-ago injury where her boss at a gas station where she worked ran over her leg. That’s going to mess nearly anybody up, likely permanently, as for her. She’s on strong pain meds due to that.

Decades of shitty/nonexistent health “care” because she’s very fat, giving the medical fools an excuse to ignore her actual issues.

She eats fast food all the time—rarely ever a home meal—and chugs high fructose corn syrup-laden soft drinks in quantity every day, and yet she’s the only one in her (fat) family who does NOT have type 2 diabetes (nor metabolic syndrome symptoms). She does love fruit and likes salads, so it’s not a totally unhealthy diet, but i and most people would be way sicker or dead eating/drinking (no alcohol) as she does… at least according to common “wisdom”.

Likely she’s as well-off health-wise as she is because despite always having been fat, she’s always been physically active. Pizza delivery, gas station—standing and moving jobs. She also goes deep into her own auto repairs and other repair/maintenance work—more movement/exercise. And yet she’s piled with sexy, sensual subcutaneous fat in abundance nearly everywhere.

We don’t yet know anywhere near enough honest, unbiased information about how fatness really works—especially all the variables. I’ve asked her many times, and she says she honestly doesn’t know what makes her fat. When we’re together, which has included immersive days living full-time together, she consistently eats less than i do, and i have far less to show for what i eat (no fat, lesser health).

She knows i’m a mod on here and we’ve discussed feedism and she’s hinted that she has an open mind about it, but honestly i don’t want to mess with what she has going in terms of pretty decent health—especially for someone who’s received shit medical care and at least one major injury in no way her fault. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around how anyone can consume HFCS-laden beverages in the volume she does and not at least have some hints of metabolic syndrome.
2 years

Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?

I hadn’t been to the doctor in a very long time bc I haven’t had insurance until recently, but I figured I’d get a check up and what not and needed a physical for a thing. They were concerned about my weight recommended dieting and exercising they did blood work and I had to do a sleep apnea test apparently anyone over a certain bmi has to test, but they said I was pretty healthy still waiting on the apnea results.

Apart from Health, which is important, fitness wise I think stamina is the biggest loss as you get bigger, I’m struggling to catch my breath doing things I’d have no problem doing 50 pounds ago but nothing is like out of reach yet I’d just be slower or need breaks
2 years

Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?

Stamina definitely goes. At over 430 and not super active, running is very hard and walking nonstop is too much in about 20 minutes.
2 years

Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?

I would love to tell my girlfriend how i feel about feederism and that she should keep gaining but i am feeling bad for wanting her to have a "bad" lifestyle. I am concerned about long term risks and health. I would be happy about some input from experienced feedees and some tips how we could manage a healthy weight gain journey. I would be happy bout some helpful advices for the daily life as well. What are common struggles when you are big? where can i help as feeder or as a partner? how could I make the weight gain process as comfortable as possible for her?

No. Health issues will come, both physical ones and mental ones. Some fat people will get it earlier, some later.

I don't go into detail, because there are too many sickos who get aroused by the illnesses and diseases fat people are suffering from.
1 year

Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?

You can be healthy and fat. It comes down to your diet and if you exercise. Limit processed foods and sugars, eat large amounts of fresh foods. The key is to have more calories in than out. Doing cardio will help keep your heart healthy and having some muscle will help your joints as you gain weight.
1 year

Is it really possible to be healthy and fat?

It's possible -if rare.

I happened to fall in love with someone who's actually gotten healthier as she gains weight. Even her weight problems got better just by her getting bigger.
1 year
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