Lifestyle tips

How to gain weight despite exercise

Okay, so, to set the stage, I'm stuck in a swimming class (since I had 0 clue how 2 swim beforehand)

We swim about 30-45 minutes a day for the class, along with my job where I'm walking around a parking lot for roughly 7 hours,

I'm not really sure how I can gain back all the weight I lost recently (I used to be 220) while still staying in my swimming classes and keeping my job, anyone got any thoughts? I'm literally willing to do anything to get those pounds back
1 year

How to gain weight despite exercise

It's as simple as eating more calories.

For one you should start counting your calorie intake and ideally figure out how many you are burning through swimming and walking. You'll also want to know your daily required amount to keep your weight.

My guess is that if you're in the low 200s, eating 3200 calories a day will likely be enough to ensure you are at a surplus of some kind (though it might be a small one potentially).

Easiest way to get those calories in would be drinking heavy cream at the end of every day. Combine that with increased portion sizes for every meal and some added snaking in between and you won't be able to stop getting fatter.
1 year

How to gain weight despite exercise

It's as simple as eating more calories.

For one you should start counting your calorie intake and ideally figure out how many you are burning through swimming and walking. You'll also want to know your daily required amount to keep your weight.

My guess is that if you're in the low 200s, eating 3200 calories a day will likely be enough to ensure you are at a surplus of some kind (though it might be a small one potentially).

Easiest way to get those calories in would be drinking heavy cream at the end of every day. Combine that with increased portion sizes for every meal and some added snaking in between and you won't be able to stop getting fatter.
this is very helpful, thank you! I'm going to give heavy cream a shot soon, at least, whenever they restock it at my local Walmart
1 year