Lifestyle tips

Navigating this with a family

Curious to get anyone’s advice if they’ve navigated having this fetish + a family and what concessions are made.

More specifically, if you have kids or plan to. How do you incorporate this into your life while recognizing the responsibility of parenting? Do you completely shut down this part of your life or find ways to modify it?
1 year

Navigating this with a family

In Lisa's case, she learned she can't have kids, so we're transferring all the care we'd need for childrearing into taking care of her hyper obesity.
1 year

Navigating this with a family

Bumping this because I also want kids, but I want to keep them at a healthy weight as much as possible. My ideas are to try limiting weight gain stuff to the bedroom, introducing as many fruits and vegetables as possible as young as possible, and to tell them what my mom told me, which is men need extra food (which is true).
1 year

Navigating this with a family

I too would like to have kids, and this is something I've thought about occasionally. Most likely, I expect I will have finished gaining and my future wife would be done too.

There's no way I can think of to reply to this question without expressing some strong opinions, so I'll try not to be abrasive.

That said, the bottom line is practice what you preach and don't be a hypocrite. Otherwise, you will cause resentment and that is NOT something you want. This applies to anything at all. Not just gaining and feederism, but whether you drink and to what degree, if you smoke, or other activities you may engage in, or not. So as an example, since I play video games sometimes and I'm not big on the gym, I have NO right to demand any kids of mine not play video games and to engage in sports.

So, if for example, I'm a heavy 300+ lb man who often eats a lot, or I eat a container of Haagen-Daz while watching a movie, the only thing I can do is offer one to my kid, too.

Of course, I wouldn't force this because that's just weird, just to be clear. I would insist on taking a multivitamin pill, though.

The odds are very good that if you are fat/obese, your children will be as well so it's best to accept this possibility. It's reasonable to expect they will copy your eating habits.

And for someone sufficiently big enough, like really big (probably 400+ or especially 500+), there's no way around it.. it'll make a difference. There might be activities that can't be shared.

I'm also not inclined to think it's the worst thing, either. Every year, fat acceptance gets more popular and widespread. There aren't many jobs you'd be locked out of. I don't anticipate problems with social acceptance and dating prospects, or overall quality of life because of this.

But even if that trend stops, the only thing I could do, which I plan on anyway, is to just continually show and prove that being heavy is fine, that it doesn't make you a bad person.
1 year