Lifestyle tips

Healthy meals to binge on?

What high calorie meals are healthy to binge on? Stuff like GOMAD and downing heavy cream, or eating cheap frozen pizzas is great and easy, but you can't do it all the time due to stuff like high saturated fat and excessive calcium from the milk or high gi from the pizza. It seems that variety is best when it comes to healthy eating, but it takes more effort to prepare all those separate meals. However Sumo wrestlers pretty much eat nothing but Chanko, and that gives them a ton of calories while also being very healthy.

What other types of high calorie meals is it healthier to have in excessive quantities?
1 year

Healthy meals to binge on?

A personal favorite of mine is baked potatoes just because how easy and tasty they can be depending what you put on them and they are absolutely packed on carbs.

What I would recommend putting on them if your trying to go for a slightly healthier alternative would be cheddar cheese,corn and seasoned grilled chicken.

If grilled chicken isn't your thing,swap it out with beef and put it with some cilantro and its tasty combo

As bonus you'll also get a good amount of protein from it as well
1 year