
Butthurt scams?

Told someone i wasn't interested in her content and buying her food. I'm looking for something real and in person. So i get blocked for being honest. Wow, nothing changes here. Don't be so crude. Just say it won't work for you and there it ends. So quick to being butthurt and blocking people. Grow up already 🙄

People block people for some of the pettiest reasons. I got blocked recently because I told a guy that he should treat people the way he would want to be treated.

If this person was not the person you were looking for, who cares? Just move on and find someone else.

I am curious, though. Who initiated the conversation?
1 year

Butthurt scams?

I did. She wrote on her profile that she was interested in a feeder or selling her content. So when she wrote me back she assumed i was there for content. I said i wasn't interested in content or buy food, but doing something real if thats something she would be interested in. I wasn't nasty about it at all....

So ... let me make sure you and I are on the same page. I want to make sure I am not putting words into your mouth.

This random woman advertises that she is a content creator. You see this. Instead of approaching her as a potential client, you approach her as a potential lover. As such, she blocked you.

You then post on the forum that this woman - who made it clear that her goal is content creation and financial gain - is a butthurt scammer. Even though, from what you've told me, she has not - at any point - tried to scam you.

Am I correct in my understanding?
1 year

Butthurt scams?

She posted on her profile she was open to either of two scenarios. If she was just out for content i wouldn't waste my time with that. So when i told her what I was looking for she thought it more "polite" to just block me as opposed to just saying thanks, but no thanks. Have a good day. Thats all.

Ok ... how is that a scam? Also, being a feeder doesn't automatically make you someone's lover. Plenty of people on this site - of all genders - are looking for feedees or feeders but aren't looking for partners.

Nothing that you've said has indicated this woman is a scammer. And if *anyone* is butthurt, it's you.

I am also curious if you are aware of the average interaction a woman has with a man on this site. Especially in our DMs. Lotta toxic people who do not read profiles or understand/respect boundaries. It can get pretty scary. I get some ... concerning messages in my DMs from time to time and I *have* someone.

She's a woman who is advertising herself for financial gain. She must be pretty if you wanted to date her. But how many other guys out there are messaging her even after she's clearly labeled her intentions? It's probably easier for her to block and move on.

I'm sorry she hurt your feelings, hun. But this thread? This isn't painting you in the best light. Just cut your losses and move on.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

Wish there was a "like" button for posts/answers. 👍
1 year

Butthurt scams?

You assumed i was looking for a lover. You're assuming a lot about me. This was a waste of time. My whole point was her basically being rude. But thats ok, because its out the window these days. Its proven to me on a daily basis...

I see you are 43 years old. Maybe you don't fully understand internet lingo, but when someone says they "want something real and in-person" that means they want to meet up and engage in a romantic (and possibly sexual) relationship.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

I, too, am butthurt about scams. Not this situation though, I mean the real ones.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

I, too, am butthurt about scams. Not this situation though, I mean the real ones.

Deffo. I think everyone should be upset about scams.

This situation, however, is not a scam.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

First of all, this is NOT a scam, just a misunderstanding.

However, this is what I've been squawking about for a while is that it's damn near impossible to make connections these days because it's all about "content creators" trying to make money.

Munchies is right that anyone has a right to refuse to speak to anybody because no one is entitled to a response, but at the same time too much of "serious feeders only" breed contempt and a toxic cycle I've already whined about before.

I don't know what can be done though, any suggestions?
1 year

Butthurt scams?

Reflection Of Perfection:
First of all, this is NOT a scam, just a misunderstanding.

However, this is what I've been squawking about for a while is that it's damn near impossible to make connections these days because it's all about "content creators" trying to make money.

Munchies is right that anyone has a right to refuse to speak to anybody because no one is entitled to a response, but at the same time too much of "serious feeders only" breed contempt and a toxic cycle I've already whined about before.

I don't know what can be done though, any suggestions?

I suppose the real question is why are there more women who are here for money rather than connections?

No matter what rules and enforcements exist, if there is a market with customers willing to pay, people will make a buck. So, these women aren't really part of the problem.

No, the real issue is that women who come here to make connections do not stay on this site very long compared to their male counter-parts. We need to engage with *that* instead.

We need to make FF a place where women feel safe. And if you have that, the women who are here to make a buck are a non-issue.
1 year

Butthurt scams?

Reflection Of Perfection:
First of all, this is NOT a scam, just a misunderstanding.

However, this is what I've been squawking about for a while is that it's damn near impossible to make connections these days because it's all about "content creators" trying to make money.

Munchies is right that anyone has a right to refuse to speak to anybody because no one is entitled to a response, but at the same time too much of "serious feeders only" breed contempt and a toxic cycle I've already whined about before.

I don't know what can be done though, any suggestions?

I suppose the real question is why are there more women who are here for money rather than connections?

No matter what rules and enforcements exist, if there is a market with customers willing to pay, people will make a buck. So, these women aren't really part of the problem.

No, the real issue is that women who come here to make connections do not stay on this site very long compared to their male counter-parts. We need to engage with *that* instead.

We need to make FF a place where women feel safe. And if you have that, the women who are here to make a buck are a non-issue.

That's part of the cycle I'm talking about. The males that get overly aggressive, rude and downright psychotic deserve to be banned but the lasting effect is scaring off women looking for connections. That's why women go into shells to protect themselves by making men pay to chat so if they get rude, aggressive, etc then at least they squeezed some dollars out of them first.

That's why women need to come forward and blast these creepy sons of b*thes that act like that.

The cycle that comes out of that is women go into shells to protect themselves but then men go into their own shells and treat women like strippers because they've made it clear its all about selling "content".

Breaking the cycle would be just everyone getting along and not being creepy. Good luck to that ever happening though.
1 year
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