Fat experiences

Coming out of the fridge

I like your thread title :-) Sums up anyone who gains weight!
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

I’m curious about people’s experiences with this fetish, specifically about their openness in normie settings and relationships. Do your friends/family/SO know? I know people are generally quick to say “my sex life is none of anyone’s business” which yes although that’s true, the fact of the matter is our kink is visually apparent, and wether it be you or someone you’re dating gains a bunch of weight I imagine comments are made. Personally I’m trying to be more open with my friends/some family about my preferences and idk if it’s even worth bringing up or just act oblivious
about myself or a girlfriend gaining weight.

As an ex-gainer turned feeder, I am not ashamed of my preferences. But unless I have a relationship with a person where we can talk about our kinks, I am not talking about it.

That being said, if I revealed to people that I was a feeder, no one would be shocked. I tend to go for the chubby/fat guys and use food as a form of affection.
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

As an ex-feeder turned feedee, (haha i did it! smiley) and someone that has been an on and off, from this fetish, i am very shy about being a feedee, i have told my best friend that i explicitly like fat girls and making them fatter, but that was a while ago when i was still a feeder, still true to a very light extend tho. But i haven't told him that i became a feedee and don't plan to, as this is something personal that im sensitive about :o
When i told him he was a bit curious but that's it, he didn't criticize me or something and he is still my best friend. I suppose if you have a reason to tell someone, including if you just feel the need to open up, do it! After all your fetish is... natural, for you.
I also wanted to say my opinion about the "my sex life is none of anyone's business" so...
*Opinion Part*
Its a bad attitude. Because no, as long as you're having one (or more) partner you have sex with, it's their business too, and besides it doesn't matter. It's your private life, you can say litteraly that, instead. It's more informative. Plus less rude.
And this "none of your business" extends beyond private life anyway.
But yeah it's an interesting topic!
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

Some things, are better, unsaid. Keep it in the community.
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

I’m curious about people’s experiences with this fetish, specifically about their openness in normie settings and relationships. Do your friends/family/SO know? I know people are generally quick to say “my sex life is none of anyone’s business” which yes although that’s true, the fact of the matter is our kink is visually apparent, and wether it be you or someone you’re dating gains a bunch of weight I imagine comments are made. Personally I’m trying to be more open with my friends/some family about my preferences and idk if it’s even worth bringing up or just act oblivious
about myself or a girlfriend gaining weight.

For me, I'm comfortable talking about being attracted to most body types including larger bodied people, and also talking about being at a point where I've embraced being a larger bodied person and would prefer to love the body I have rather than try to attain the body society tells me I should have. I've had this conversation a few times now with close friends and they accept that.

What I'm less comfortable talking about, and the part that I consider no-ones business if I don't feel comfortable talking about it with them, is the sexual arousal I get from gaining weight and how that desire drives me to want to gain more. I also don't feel any obligation to talk about finding a partner gaining weight attractive with anyone but my partners. It's the sexual aspect of the kink that I don't need to share with people that really don't need to know.

As for this kink being physically hard to impossible to hide, my friends know I enjoy food and enjoy cooking for others, so some weight gain for me and/or my partners is usually attributed to that and I'm happy to leave it at that.
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

I am really sincere in my effort to help women gain as much as they want to. And D, you already seen some evidence of that smiley. So you can count on me to help you get bigger and be happier than ever before ❤️. We can do this together!
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

I am really sincere in my effort to help women gain as much as they want to. And D, you already seen some evidence of that smiley. So you can count on me to help you get bigger and be happier than ever before ❤️. We can do this together!
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

I’m curious about people’s experiences with this fetish, specifically about their openness in normie settings and relationships. Do your friends/family/SO know?

I’m in the “It’s a lifestyle, not a fetish” camp. Regardless of that….

Guideline i follow: Know your audience. Context matters.

Friends, family, primary care physician all have known of the central importance to me of my strong attraction to fat women for decades, and as a sweeping generalization, the fatter the better. So far i’ve not been with an actively gaining feedee or gainer, and unable to fatten myself, so specifics of feedism mostly haven’t been relevant. They all know i’m on this site (by its name) and others in our online fatosphere community (by those other sites’ names).

One friend in particular knew nothing about fat attraction at all other than the classic term “chubby chaser”. Of the hippie generation (though not one himself), he’s been right there during a number of “counterculture” innovations, and has an exceptionally open mind to human behavior/quirks/interests, plus a very strong curiosity and desire to learn new things. With him in email i went deep into the whole fatosphere and feedism realm, mostly basic terminology definitions and summary explanations. He found it fascinating and appreciated learning about it.

Dating inexperience and other confounding issues have led to nearly no S.O.s. I have one now, and we moved in together almost a month ago now. That’s a big commitment, and we went way way deep on all sorts of topics well before making it. Feedism was one of them. She identifies as a SSBBW (i concur), fat her whole life. She was familiar with common societal tropes about feedism, hence alarm bells went off when i mentioned it. I explained in great detail and specificity what the definitions/terms mean to me, how i don’t cleanly fit them, and specifically how i am/feel/believe/act. She found my attractions/beliefs/practices/turn-ons acceptable and compatible, and very clearly left the door open to some possible future feedist activities.

During a later discussion, to my amazement it came up that she was unaware of intentionally pursuing the sensual/sexual pleasures of food, thinking it was her private shameful weirdness rather than “a thing” in our or any community. Circumstances have so far prevented more than occasional brief experimentation, but she’s highly interested in further explorations of this nature. I don’t think this would have come up so easily and directly without the prior feedism discussion and reaching an understanding about it and the terminology.
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

I am really sincere in my effort to help women gain as much as they want to. And D, you already seen some evidence of that smiley. So you can count on me to help you get bigger and be happier than ever before ❤️. We can do this together!

Yes I’m so ready for this
1 year

Coming out of the fridge

Then let’s get started Friday ❤️
1 year
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