
Weight gain excel sheet

I made an Excel Sheet to manage your weight gain. You type in your starting weight, expected calories/day, height, age, sex, and activity level and it outputs your expected gain each day, monthly gains, and a list of your expected eventual weight given a list of different caloric level. If any one is interest in this excel sheet, send me a message and give me your email. I'll look for a file sharing place and post a link, but I'm not sure if there is interest.
My 105lbs gf will be wonderfully plump beauty at 155 is 7 months if she eats 2800 calories a day.(I wish) She is such a twig, oh well.
15 years

Weight gain excel sheet

Interesting idea - it's fun to play with numbers... or maybe I'm just sick that way... lol... I do enjoy math and "what if scenarios".
15 years

Weight gain excel sheet

I'm kind of a mathematics major undergraduate right now. I'm going for my graduate next fall and thus Phd. So yeah I love number. I guess I just love the numbers on the scale, tape and clothing size going up. hehe.
15 years

Weight gain excel sheet

nicely dun thank you smiley
15 years

Weight gain excel sheet

pleas try adding thees

BMI=([Weight lbs]/2.2)/([Height inches]*0.0254*[Height inches]*0.0254)

bast on
=IF([BMI]<17.5,"anorexia",IF([BMI]>60,"!?!",IF([BMI]>50,"super obese",IF([BMI]>40,"morbidly obese",IF(OR($K$8="F",$K$8="f"smiley,IF([BMI]<19.1,"underweight",IF([BMI]<25.8,"in normal range",IF([BMI]<32.3,"overweight","obese"smiley)),IF([BMI]<20.7,"underweight",IF([BMI]<26.4,"in normal range",IF([BMI]<31.1,"overweight","obese"smiley)))))))

forgiv my speling
15 years

Weight gain excel sheet

I have since updated the sheet. What do you want? BMI?
I'm working on finishing my undergraduate in math and waiting on hearing if I get into grad school.
15 years

Weight gain excel sheet
updated version. 2.13meg. I know its getting big.
15 years

Weight gain excel sheet

This is awesome smiley
15 years