Lifestyle tips

How do i approach this fetish?

I'll be honest, getting really huge, bloated and fat has to be one of my all-time greatest sexual fantasies, to the point where I often can't stop thinking about it. However I have had a bunch of concerns regarding this fetish that have always stopped me from fully committing and was wondering how I should approach. Number one probably being the social aspect. I don't think I could possibly actually start gaining unless I had an IRL feeder/encourager to support me (which I have no idea of finding, especially since I'm not American), but even then I have to worry about what my family/ peers would think. I've been skinny all my life, so I don't know how I could explain rapid weight gain without revealing my kink. The only possible explanation I can think of is bulking up or training for something like strongman that's gone way overboard.

The second thing is the health aspect. I want to get as big as possible, but I'd rather avoid dying early so either way it's probably not going to be a permanent thing if I do decide to get fat. Last time I tried building weight I had a possible health scare where my heart starting beating really rapidly, I was getting minor discomfort in my chest and it was difficult to fall asleep. I saw a doctor and a bunch of specialists regarding, and had ultrasound, stress tests and bloodwork which all showed absolutely no problems (my doctor didn't even take it seriously). I immediately stopped gaining and the heart thing went away though I might of been overreacting. Right now I'm probably heavier than I was back when I decided to stop gaining and haven't had any issues. Regardless of my weight, I need to improve my cardio because my sedentary lifestyle is pretty bad. I just wish I could of discovered this fetish 10 years ago, because I feel like I could of worried less about the whole health aspect.

So regarding all that, how should I approach this?
1 year

How do i approach this fetish?

The points you've mentioned are all legitimate concerns. If your are straight finding a female feeder is very difficult, but not totally impossible. If you're gay the chances are a little better. Just being fat shouldn't stop you from finding a partner. Lots of fat guys have partners.

Dealing with family and friends is struggle for lots of gainers, male or female. You just have to be strong and let them accept the new you. In a way any comments about your weight can be taken as a compliment since are trying to fatten up.

There are some possible risks to gaining a lot of weight. Some people are fortunate to avoid any issues, others not so much. I don't know if the problem you described is related to weight gain obviously. My take is try gaining and if there are issues that really make you uncomfortable, then stop. I figure lots of people take risks to pursue something they like doing such as car racing or free climbing, etc, etc.

My thought is give it a try if that is your desire. Better that than have regrets later on. Just be happy and confident with the added pounds.
1 year

How do i approach this fetish?

The points you've mentioned are all legitimate concerns. If your are straight finding a female feeder is very difficult, but not totally impossible. If you're gay the chances are a little better. Just being fat shouldn't stop you from finding a partner. Lots of fat guys have partners.

My problem is that how hard it would be to find a partner willing to support this kink through normal dating. The majority of fat people aren't fat by choice, and since dieting and losing weight is so ingrained in today's society a lot of people would be repulsed by somebody actively trying to get fatter. There's the possibility of dating someone normally and then hoping their into it (or actively try to get them into it) but that could take a long time and could go very wrong. I'd find it easier to probably look for someone already into the kink, even if it's just a friendship.
1 year

How do i approach this fetish?

The points you've mentioned are all legitimate concerns. If your are straight finding a female feeder is very difficult, but not totally impossible. If you're gay the chances are a little better. Just being fat shouldn't stop you from finding a partner. Lots of fat guys have partners.

My problem is that how hard it would be to find a partner willing to support this kink through normal dating. The majority of fat people aren't fat by choice, and since dieting and losing weight is so ingrained in today's society a lot of people would be repulsed by somebody actively trying to get fatter. There's the possibility of dating someone normally and then hoping their into it (or actively try to get them into it) but that could take a long time and could go very wrong. I'd find it easier to probably look for someone already into the kink, even if it's just a friendship.
1 year

How do i approach this fetish?

Through normal dating it would be really difficult to meet someone like that. I recommend some of the dating sites for bbw's and bhm's. Just place an ad stating what you're looking for, along with other interests of course and see what happens. I wouldn't expect a lot of responses, but it's a start.
1 year