Lifestyle tips

Loving your body in public

I feel awkward posting this, so please be kind. It's easy to feel good about my weight when I'm on FF or alone in my room, but I'm still kinda self-conscious in public. I've even made excuses to friends so I didn't have to go to the beach or swimming. I wish I knew how to be more confident in public like some of the people here.
1 year

Loving your body in public

Honestly, take a lot of what they say with a grain of salt. Of course people who truly are just comfortable as they are exist in public and are also members here, but many aren't even if they say they do. There's nothing wrong with either of them.

The key is to work on your internalized fatphobia and insecurities that get intertwined with it. Our culture is *HORRIBLE* to fat people (and quite frankly many fetishists are also). The fact that you don't feel as confident as others in public is a reflection of that, not of you.

Even the concept of being "confident" in ones body, as a fat person, is fatphobic (we certainly don't often describe thin people that way, do we? or someone with a new haircut? not with the same meaning, at least!).

"Acceptance" is a better word and a more attainable goal - permission to just exist as a fat person. That your body is just what it is and there's nothing wrong with yours or anyone else's.

When you accept that you have permission to just exist as you are, and are able to give yourself that love and space because you *know* you deserve it, that natural, non-kinky, non-fatphobia-centric confidence will arise naturally.

The best part is that you already have it! It's not something you're missing. It exists in all of us. It just takes a lot of healing and granting ourselves permission regardless of society's approval standards are to access it.
1 year

Loving your body in public

Thank you ❤️ I’m gonna need some time to process.
1 year

Loving your body in public

It takes time. It took me a lot of wavering. It’s been at least several years now that I’m comfortable with being fat, especially in public. I don’t try to hide it. In fact if there’s anything I’m conscious of, it’s to relax my belly and let it show. I’m proud of it. So yeah, it can take a bit of time.
1 year

Loving your body in public

Thanks ❤️
1 year

Loving your body in public

I used to feel that way about how skinny I used to be.
Always felt awful about my body small boobs and no curves.
Now I love my body and feel 1000 times better about myself.
I'm not sure I would call it "confident" exactly maybe I stopped caring what everyone else thought.
I'm fat/ obese and that is what I want to be.
It makes me happy.
1 year

Loving your body in public

I wore a bikini on the beach (it was a private beach), it felt amazingly free to feel the ocean waves against my bare skin for once, instead of my usual tankini that always felt like I was waging a war to try to wrangle into, there was so much control fabric.
1 year

Loving your body in public

I don’t show my beach ball belly through my tee shirts but you can surely tell it’s there :-)

My wife doesn’t show her belly in public, as she prefers to tuck the lower part in her pants, but she loves showing off her soft upper bod in the summertime, especially after she got her upper back tattoos :-)
1 year

Loving your body in public

It's not something that comes overnight. When I decided to get fat, I knew that wearing things that showed off my blubber was essential for me, but it can take awhile.

I began by wearing slightly too-small clothes in public, usually a shirt with my belly peeking out underneath. I kept reminding myself that I wanted to wear my clothes tighter, that I wanted people to see my weight gain and my new body.

Wearing a bikini at the beach was my ultimate goal, but I was so frightened when I first did it. I kept reminding myself that I loved the way my body looked, that I thought I was sexy, and the disapproval of others was a major part of the turn-on.
1 year

Loving your body in public

Recently I went to a spa type place with outdoor hot tubs and saunas. I wore tight swim shorts and let my belly hang out in all its glory. I rubbed my belly, jiggled it, did everything I could to emphasize its size. Hoping I would get at least one comment. And honestly. Nobody cared. No dirty looks no comments no whispers. Nothing. Take from that what you will. Maybe it will help you feel more confident.
I was kind of sad lol.
1 year
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