Lifestyle tips

Hi calory snack suggestions?

Hi! I was taking a break from gaining to save money, but ended up losing 10 pounds. My goal is 6,000 calories a day because that works out to roughly 1lb a day/7lb a week. Sometimes I can manage it, but I tend to get tired of eating the same thing and can really struggle. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for easy to eat snacks to help bump me up to my faily goal?
1 year

Hi calory snack suggestions?

nuts!!! mixed nuts are full of fats and calories. milkshakes!! delicious and refreshing and fattening 🥰. chocolate wafers and candies. avocados are full of fat and cals also. peanut butter & nutella!
I hope some of these help smiley 7 lbs a week is incredible. good luck xx
1 year