Food and recipes

Mega cheese and egg sandwich

It's an incredibly easy recipe, perfect for lazy people just like me.

15–20 eggs
500 g grated cheese (e.g. cheddar)
200 g butter
mayonnaise (best in squeeze bottle)
2–3 avocados
sandwich bread
pepper and salt to taste

1. rub a baking sheet with a piece of the butter.
2. Carefully crack the eggs open and put them on the baking sheet so that the bottom is completely covered.
3. cut the remaining butter into small pieces and spread them on the baking sheet as well.
4. Season everything with salt and pepper.
5. Spread the grated cheese evenly on the baking sheet.
6. Spread the mayonnaise evenly and generously on the baking sheet.
7. bake at 180 °C for 20 minutes.
8. cut the cheese-egg-mixture into squares so that it fits perfectly on a bread slice
9. Now toast the bread slices.

Now the sandwich can be topped.
1. Put the cheese and egg mixture on a bread slice.
2. Cut the avocado into slices and put on top of the cheese-egg-mixture.
3. spread some ketchup on it, put another bread slice on. And done

You can also vary the topping, e.g. I like to put cooked ham or fried bacon and onions on the Sandwich.

Normally this recipe is enough for 2-4 people, but I am sure that there are some people on this side who can easily eat that all by themselves.
1 year