
To gain or not to gain?

Okay so as a heads up, this is a serious issue for me, so I'd prefer if you'd take the time to think about what you wanna advise. Also, for the shake of transparency I'll try to be as honest as i can.
So i have a problem (or two) with feederism. Even tho I'm a very horny person and I'd really like to just be forcefed to immobility or something, i wanna do stuff in my life. Not because i wanna have a full life, but i see a lot of things in life that desperately need to be worked on and improved. I just can't ignore them. I have to do something to help, at least, fix them. But at the same time, my sexual need to do.... the things you can guess, is really strong and i just feel like i really need to do something about them as well. I'm in this state for over a year now, thinking that i can subsidize doing things for real with fantasizing. I don't think balancing these two is possible, since one has to steps completely on the other. (For example if i decides to gain, I'd love to go for something really extreme, close to or beyond immobility)
And on top of that I'd love to have a normal, romantic relationship where I care for my partner and i get cared for by her as well. In a mutual way. I feel like I really need all of these.
Do you have any advice? (if yes please try to describe your thought process fully)
1 year

To gain or not to gain?

Completely agree. I feel same things and have no idea too.
I dream to be immobidly obese. But my daily life and relationships is important too for me. So I conflict with my libido every time.
At least, I wish to get partner who understand my feeling.
1 year

To gain or not to gain?

Okay so as a heads up, this is a serious issue for me, so I'd prefer if you'd take the time to think about what you wanna advise. Also, for the shake of transparency I'll try to be as honest as i can.
So i have a problem (or two) with feederism. Even tho I'm a very horny person and I'd really like to just be forcefed to immobility or something, i wanna do stuff in my life. Not because i wanna have a full life, but i see a lot of things in life that desperately need to be worked on and improved. I just can't ignore them. I have to do something to help, at least, fix them. But at the same time, my sexual need to do.... the things you can guess, is really strong and i just feel like i really need to do something about them as well. I'm in this state for over a year now, thinking that i can subsidize doing things for real with fantasizing. I don't think balancing these two is possible, since one has to steps completely on the other. (For example if i decides to gain, I'd love to go for something really extreme, close to or beyond immobility)
And on top of that I'd love to have a normal, romantic relationship where I care for my partner and i get cared for by her as well. In a mutual way. I feel like I really need all of these.
Do you have any advice? (if yes please try to describe your thought process fully)

Nothing wrong with leaving certain things in the fantasy realm. You see it all the time with fetishes that can't be realized.

Also, a healthy relationship is not ruled by sexual pleasures. It is a part of it, but it's not the only aspect. Even in a relationship where you and your partner have similar or compatible kinks, it's impossible to have a relationship last based completely on fetishes.

You gotta figure out what is important to you and why it is important - in all aspects of your life. This will take a good deal of introspection and maturation on your part to achieve.
1 year

To gain or not to gain?

Agree with what others have said. Gaining to the point of immobility would of course limit many other aspects of your life in extremely significant ways. The fetish and all the pleasure it brings can be a positive part of your life but I suppose it has to be balanced with other parts of your life, other things that are important to you. That is an individual decision. Maybe you could reflect on and write down pros and cons of gaining (to the extent you describe) to help you think this through. How much time do you spend thinking about this, and how much time do you spend absorbed in other things that are meaningful to you, or thinking about other goals in life? As others have said, some things can be enjoyed as a fantasy as a compromise
1 year

To gain or not to gain?

Thanks for the replies! I just really wanna get out of the situation I'm in and i cant see where it'd be better to go. It's not a very happy period of my life, i just hope that at I'll find someone I'll love, but hope won't do something to help. :/
1 year