Lifestyle tips

Cruise prep

Omg I love pre reading food menus in anticipation!

Anticipation is a trigger for imagination, except for dental appointments
1 year

Cruise prep

Every day it feels like Iā€™m getting hungrier and hungrier. I wish it was going to be a longer cruise so I could really go all out for an extended period of time and really see some change. But Iā€™m going to make the best of the time and the unlimited food.

Make sure you have a lot of roomy things to wear. It gives you lots of room to expand and grow.

If you want to increase your max capacity, liquid bloats are where it'a at. Calories aren't important. It's about volume. Plus, since the liquid doesn't stay in your system as long as food, you'll be hungrier more often. Be careful. Your capacity might increase significantly more than you expected.
1 year

Cruise prep

Make sure you have a lot of roomy things to wear. It gives you lots of room to expand and grow.

If you want to increase your max capacity, liquid bloats are where it'a at. Calories aren't important. It's about volume. Plus, since the liquid doesn't stay in your system as long as food, you'll be hungrier more often. Be careful. Your capacity might increase significantly more than you expected.

What would you recommend to do a good liquid bloat?

It can be whatever you want. Milk, juice, weight gain shake, soup. Doesn't matter. My advise is don't do a soda bloat at first. It'a very easy to do too much too soon. Also be careful with water bloats as water toxicity is a thing.
1 year

Cruise prep

I never thought of a cruise as such of a potentially fun place for people like us šŸ˜…
1 year

Cruise prep

I never thought of a cruise as such of a potentially fun place for people like us šŸ˜…

Oh yeah. A lot of people come back from cruises fatter.
1 year

Cruise prep

I've never been on a cruise but from reading your posts it sounds like you want to make the most of it. If possible you may want to buy some clothes that are a little bigger just in case you end up gaining a lot of weight!
1 year

Cruise prep

Apparently Disney cruises are great if you want to gain weight. A friend of mine actually diets before he goes because he expects to gain weight while on vacation.
1 year