Lifestyle tips

New feedee tips/advice

Hello everyone! It's nice to meet you all. I'm very new here, although officially my account is a year old (I think?). I definitely haven't done much around here yet, but I'm looking forward to engaging more with the community over the coming years!

As the title of the thread suggests, I'm curious if any current gainers would be interested in sharing any tips or other advice with someone (me) who's thinking seriously about becoming a feedee in the very near future. Feeders' input is welcome too if it's at all applicable!

The most immediate topic on my mind is, appropriately, food. If you have any thoughts on what sorts of foods I should be looking to eat on a regular or semi-regular basis, that would be great! I'm also on the search for outside resources such as recipes and the like to add to my culinary repertoire, so in case anyone can point me in that direction that would definitely be appreciated.

Health is another subject that I've seen discussed a LOT whenever the subject of weight gain comes up, and for good reason. I'm under no illusion that fattening up my body won't come with some amount of difficulties or risks, but I also want to be able to enjoy my bigger body for as long as I can. I'm not into death feedism or immobility, personally, but even at smaller sizes there's stuff that I can probably do to decrease my risks of developing issues or avoid them altogether. With that in mind, if anyone has any solid advice on the health/wellness front, or knows where I can find it, I'd certainly be thankful.

On a related note, if there are things I should really, really be aware of regarding how my body might handle the extra weight (appetite changes, mobility issues, stuff like that) let me know!

If you've got any other advice or things you'd like to share, feel free! I'll take whatever you're kind enough to give me. It doesn't have to be focused on the three topics I mentioned earlier, and it doesn't all have to be practical knowledge either, although I'll happily accept as much of that as I can get! Thanks in advance, and I hope you all have a great day (or evening, as the case may be).
1 year

New feedee tips/advice

Hello I’m fairly new here too. All I can really say about fitness is that it goes fast. After 15lbs I’ve gone from running 5ks to only being able to do half of that. I’m also out of breath a lot more easily!

Secondly is never pass up food especially when it’s offered.

You have to adopt the mentality of a fat person - you can’t just run up those stairs, yes you should eat that slice of cake.
1 year

New feedee tips/advice

Keep up on laundry! I went from 6 days per week workouts to nothing on Covid and the weight crept up on me. Halfway to a 25 pound gain I accepted I was getting bigger and just went with it, I quickly found that I outgrew most of my non stretchy pants and almost all my underwear. Couple of comfortable pants needed to be washed every other day.

Also it doesn’t take a ton for putting on socks and shoes to make you short of breath from your belly being compressed.

Once I embraced my growing size I did some cool stuff. I’d snack by laying on the couch with my shirt pulled up and a bowl laying on my stomach, mindlessly snacking until full. When I was home alone I stuffed myself into my old speedo that fit when I was thinner. Those really make you look fatter than you are.
11 months