Lifestyle tips

Wife agreed to help me gain during recovery

Hello everyone,

I‘ve got an interesting opportunity at hand: Right now I got a broken arm and a sprained elbow. So I‘m pretty much condemned to sedentary lifestyle for probably another three or for weeks.

It all happened on Easter, so I‘m in for 1,5 weeks already and didn‘t lose the weight from my rather secret gaining cycle before. That means that I sustained my all-time high of 120kg during that time.

My wife knows about this fetish. She isn‘t into feedism whatsoever, but very supportive. She helped me gain some time ago as well, so since I crave some stuffing, she agreed to help me gain during that time.

I asked whether 5kg would be ok and she replied, as long as it wouldn‘t be too extreme, she‘d be ok with 5 or 10kg. That‘s probably a good goal right now and I‘m pretty exited and I‘ll keep you posted, how it goes.

Any tips how to ease someone non-related into some deeper stuff? Right now, she wants to adjust cooking and snacks. I plan to incorporate hc-based shakes, but it‘s probably still a long shot to a full-fledged feeding session.
1 year