Lifestyle tips


I don't know how to do it on that budget. I am budgeting thirty-five dollars a week for my big belly. That's ten dollars a day. Mashed potatoes are cheap so that's a start. Ice cream is also inexpensive. Cake mix is good too.
1 year


I pretty much use all my disposable income on food, I’ll take care of my bills and everything else is for food. 5 dollars isn’t much unfortunately
1 year


Hey guys I have a question how to you fatten a feedee up on 5 dollars a day/every other day

$5 a day is hardly enough for a normal-sized person to live off of. Sure, it can be done, but you won't get fat off of it.

If you just have $5 a day to feed someone, you are better off putting that money into savings in case you have some kind of emergency. $5 a day for a year is $1,825. That's not something to sneeze at.
1 year


The best thing I can think of is either use the money for mentos + coke to bloat and maybe increase capacity.

Aside from that I'd go for the 20 nuggets for 5 bucks deal from MC'D, or the better option of saving it up for one big binge at the end of the month.
1 year


I survive on your weekly budget for a month. 0_0
Get sales at grocery stores.
1 year


i survive on less than 20$ a month.
Mcdonalds used to have recipts where you can get a free burger, you can buy pasta roni and tings in bulk for under a dollar, i can get 40lbs of chicken from the farm for 40-60$ . etc.
There ARE ways and do not let anyone say there is not.
Not everyone makes money, some of us have disabilities and are poor.
1 year


i survive on less than 20$ a month.
Mcdonalds used to have recipts where you can get a free burger, you can buy pasta roni and tings in bulk for under a dollar, i can get 40lbs of chicken from the farm for 40-60$ . etc.
There ARE ways and do not let anyone say there is not.
Not everyone makes money, some of us have disabilities and are poor.

Where there is a will, there's a way. You're clearly a creative and cleaver person.
1 year


Yes! Thank you for these ideas! I had forgotten about the freebies in the McDonald’s receipts.
1 year


I'm not a feedee but my personal food budget allocation is $10~ a day. That's not to say I actually spend 10 dollars each day, I buy foods in bulk or on sale typically and I happen to subsist off pasta largely speaking which is already cheap as hell even if your getting decent quality pasta. Obviously I always cook at home and but that's including pesto, spices and seasonings which are all very cheap.
If gaining is your goal you can also get 1800 calories for less than a dollar with many store generic options. Given plain pasta tends to taste like shit so find some seasoning or sauces but hell, there is always good old mac&cheese and plenty of other options.
As mentioned by someone else, buying like a whole ass chicken or bulk various other items are also an option if grain isn't to your taste. Just be smart with what you spend it on and learn to cook (if you do already, it doesen't hurt to improve)
1 year