Lifestyle tips

Health issues


i have been fat my whole life. i was a fat greedy kid, but as a teen, i struggled trying to get in shape. but soon i started dating guys and i realised that embracing my fatness and my curves was the best thing i could do.

since then, i gained weight, i love my fatrolls, my tits, my fat ass, playing with food... but now i think i reached my limit.

i've had heart issues last year, and now i'm overcoming my first gout episode. i don't want to lose weight nor bodyfat, but i got kinda worried.

anyone else had health issues here?
1 year

Health issues


i have been fat my whole life. i was a fat greedy kid, but as a teen, i struggled trying to get in shape. but soon i started dating guys and i realised that embracing my fatness and my curves was the best thing i could do.

since then, i gained weight, i love my fatrolls, my tits, my fat ass, playing with food... but now i think i reached my limit.

i've had heart issues last year, and now i'm overcoming my first gout episode. i don't want to lose weight nor bodyfat, but i got kinda worried.

anyone else had health issues here?

If you don't want to lose weight or body fat, then you at least to to make some dietary changes.

My partner had a gout flair up when we first met. I had him tweak his diet and drink lots of water. Cleared up on it's own and hasn't come back since.

Please continue to take any medication you've been prescribed.

Also, if you aren't already doing it, go in regular walks to support your heart health. Weight training exercises are good to help you tolerate your growing mass.

Also, there is nothing wrong with losing weight if your health gets worse than you can tolerate. At the very least, you can lose it until your health gets under control and regain it in a healthier manner.
1 year

Health issues


i have been fat my whole life. i was a fat greedy kid, but as a teen, i struggled trying to get in shape. but soon i started dating guys and i realised that embracing my fatness and my curves was the best thing i could do.

since then, i gained weight, i love my fatrolls, my tits, my fat ass, playing with food... but now i think i reached my limit.

i've had heart issues last year, and now i'm overcoming my first gout episode. i don't want to lose weight nor bodyfat, but i got kinda worried.

anyone else had health issues here?

If you don't want to lose weight or body fat, then you at least to to make some dietary changes.

My partner had a gout flair up when we first met. I had him tweak his diet and drink lots of water. Cleared up on it's own and hasn't come back since.

Please continue to take any medication you've been prescribed.

Also, if you aren't already doing it, go in regular walks to support your heart health. Weight training exercises are good to help you tolerate your growing mass.

Also, there is nothing wrong with losing weight if your health gets worse than you can tolerate. At the very least, you can lose it until your health gets under control and regain it in a healthier manner.

thank you! i've never had gout before, i know i have to control my weight and my health more
1 year

Health issues

A gentle reminder that weight gain isn't an all-or-nothing kind of thing. There are several approaches, and most people will need to change their approach over time.

You can gain weight one way with no issues for years and years. Then suddenly, it stops being the best way. Maybe your health takes a turn, your finances can't keep up, or other situations might crop up.

Changing methods isn't bad. In fact, it can have an overall positive impact on your weight gain journey.
1 year

Health issues

This past year I broke my knee, and have dealt with major stress with my parents. (With a recent confrontation in April and panic attack level) With those things, from last Aug to Dec, I gained about 10lbs. Not much, right?

The combo of no workouts/zero cardio and stress, means that weight gain came at a "perfect storm" time. My blood sugar is high, my blood pressure is high. And I'm really mad. I had previously been gaining slowly, muscle and fat - exactly what I want, for 3-4 years. Health was 5 stars.

I DO NOT want to lose weight, I am *finally*, in my late 40s, sooo happy with my larger body.

I'm able to walk with 2-3 mins of a "light jog" on the knee. Not enough, so I'm taking up heavy bag work/boxing. I'm back at the gym doing my regular workouts. Stupid knee. Parental stress remains and I plan on seeing them far less or not at all if it gets worse. (I do go to a therapist.)

I'm swapping out for low glycemic foods, making more efforts to drink more water, back to daily exercise, etc... Next blood sugar blood test is in two months, and checking BP regularly. I want to stay healthy. 👍

But... I was hoping to gain MORE. 🐖 I'm trying to see this as a reset, but I'm struggling. This seems so unfair. I was in "perfect" health, and I'm finally loving my body, and I get blammo-ed.
1 year

Health issues

This past year I broke my knee, and have dealt with major stress with my parents. (With a recent confrontation in April and panic attack level) With those things, from last Aug to Dec, I gained about 10lbs. Not much, right?

The combo of no workouts/zero cardio and stress, means that weight gain came at a "perfect storm" time. My blood sugar is high, my blood pressure is high. And I'm really mad. I had previously been gaining slowly, muscle and fat - exactly what I want, for 3-4 years. Health was 5 stars.

I DO NOT want to lose weight, I am *finally*, in my late 40s, sooo happy with my larger body.

I'm able to walk with 2-3 mins of a "light jog" on the knee. Not enough, so I'm taking up heavy bag work/boxing. I'm back at the gym doing my regular workouts. Stupid knee. Parental stress remains and I plan on seeing them far less or not at all if it gets worse. (I do go to a therapist.)

I'm swapping out for low glycemic foods, making more efforts to drink more water, back to daily exercise, etc... Next blood sugar blood test is in two months, and checking BP regularly. I want to stay healthy. 👍

But... I was hoping to gain MORE. 🐖 I'm trying to see this as a reset, but I'm struggling. This seems so unfair. I was in "perfect" health, and I'm finally loving my body, and I get blammo-ed.

1 year