Morbidly A Beast:Also in my experience it seems straight ffa’s are more into already fat guys as opposed to ones who are skinny or want to become fat, i could stand corrected on this but it seems to be the general consensus
Munchies:There are a good chunk of FFAs who prefer a "blank slate" so to speak. A thin man that they can fatten as much as they'd like. And then there are FFAs like me that don't care about the start weight.
Morbidly A Beast:I think the later is a bit more common in female fat admirers than the former compared to men who are fat admirers, but there’s no data to compare the figures
Munchies:Mayhaps, but the female FA scene is more ... underground. Sure, some are vocal, but most keep it on the DL until they can make sure the guy isn't a creep. They mostly talk about their preferences with other women.
Morbidly A Beast:Well for what it’s worth it seems the vocal ones are into guys who are already big or don’t care one way or another. It’s to bad men can’t help themselves not to be creeps sometimes. But I get it. Better to be safe than sorry.
Hey, you can only make assumptions based on the information you have.