Lifestyle tips

Rolls or belly fat

Do you like rolls or belly fat on your body? Also what do you find more attractive on another person
11 months

Rolls or belly fat

On myself I'd love to grow belly fat, but I don't know which I have more of -- I have noticed quite a lot of rolls springing up. On others, I love lots of lower belly fat, but with love handles and rolls around their sides and back. There's something about rolls that's undeniably cute!
11 months

Rolls or belly fat

Belly fat >
11 months

Rolls or belly fat

Not much one for fat on me, though having moobs is a bit fun, so I guess that falls under rolls? On others, rolls. Rolls for days.
11 months

Rolls or belly fat

On myself I'd love to grow belly fat, but I don't know which I have more of -- I have noticed quite a lot of rolls springing up. On others, I love lots of lower belly fat, but with love handles and rolls around their sides and back. There's something about rolls that's undeniably cute!

I have both! A huge fat belly in the front and I've got back rolls coming in as i keep gaining weight.
I love them both! But, the part of my body i love the most is my belly :3
11 months

Rolls or belly fat

If I could, Id just have all my fat in my belly
11 months

Rolls or belly fat

Both!! I have a fat pot belly... and rolls under my arms, on my back, and even on my inner thighs.
11 months

Rolls or belly fat

I’m always trying to grow my moobs :-) As for others, I’d say it’s a tie. My wife’s belly and waist size in general is spectacular…probably at least 55 inches around. But he rolls go all the around her body and bulge out her back :-) She’s literally surrounded by fat when she sits!
11 months

Rolls or belly fat

I’m always trying to grow my moobs :-) As for others, I’d say it’s a tie. My wife’s belly and waist size in general is spectacular…probably at least 55 inches around. But he rolls go all the around her body and bulge out her back :-) She’s literally surrounded by fat when she sits!

Yes! I love how sitting feels and looks when very fat. My standing waistline is around 66 inches. Sitting, I measure well over 75 inches around.
11 months

Rolls or belly fat

I’m always trying to grow my moobs :-) As for others, I’d say it’s a tie. My wife’s belly and waist size in general is spectacular…probably at least 55 inches around. But he rolls go all the around her body and bulge out her back :-) She’s literally surrounded by fat when she sits!

Yes! I love how sitting feels and looks when very fat. My standing waistline is around 66 inches. Sitting, I measure well over 75 inches around.

10 months