Fat experiences

Everyday life affected by weight gain

For me it was getting over 350 It’s the point where I’m to heavy for my baseline strength I used to have, like pulling myself up onto things I had no problem ever. I can still do it but it’s a real struggle. I’m not as balanced as I used be. falling hurts a lot especially if I catch my self on a wrist or thumb ouch.

As that fat girl 95 said weight limits are cause for concern now, and like I’m not trying to be the one who breaks rides or causes myself injury or death from not being strapped in or what have you. But that’s not everyday stuff
10 months

Everyday life affected by weight gain

My ankles are killing me.
10 months

Everyday life affected by weight gain

My ankles are killing me.

fr fr no cap, I can almost roll ankles just walking around and it’s every time it’s like when the rancher has to put a horse out to pasture
10 months

Everyday life affected by weight gain

I really started to notice some struggles beyond the 300-320lbs mark. I'm 5'6 for reference and right now slightly over 360lbs. I really notice a lot of everyday tasks getting harder to do. Getting up, putting on clothes, walking, taking stairs etc. It all takes a lot more effort now!
10 months

Everyday life affected by weight gain

Almost a year later now, what is your weight now?
3 weeks

Everyday life affected by weight gain

Yeah pretty much everything Lisa is impacted by her size. She's pretty active for her weight and not bothered by the lifestyle changes, or ashamed of her fat.

We even "pillow talk" about her size. For instance, we both agreed she can't fly alone anymore. She needs more than one seat and can't even reach around her belly to buckle herself in. She can make do with me because she can "overflow" onto me, but we both agreed it would be unfair to force a stranger to put up with that.
3 weeks