Feedback and suggestions

What does blocking actually do?

There are some members of this community whose commentary and forum posts I do not wish to see. I blocked them as a result.

I can still see their commentary.

This seems antithetical to the way the concept of "blocking" is supposed to work on most social media platforms. Is something broken, or am I misunderstanding how the concept of "blocking" works on this website?
1 year

What does blocking actually do?

There are some members of this community whose commentary and forum posts I do not wish to see. I blocked them as a result.

I can still see their commentary.

This seems antithetical to the way the concept of "blocking" is supposed to work on most social media platforms. Is something broken, or am I misunderstanding how the concept of "blocking" works on this website?

Are you saying you can still see them when other users quote them? On this site, I thought blocking primarily stopped them from direct messaging you, which is useful.
1 year

What does blocking actually do?

I'm saying I can see their posts everywhere, whether they're quoted or not.

It just seems like blocking someone should make their profile and commentary invisible, not just prevent them from sending a DM.
1 year

What does blocking actually do?

I'm saying I can see their posts everywhere, whether they're quoted or not.

It just seems like blocking someone should make their profile and commentary invisible, not just prevent them from sending a DM.

Well, apologies if you tried to block me. I'll be more quiet!
1 year

What does blocking actually do?

I'm saying I can see their posts everywhere, whether they're quoted or not.

It just seems like blocking someone should make their profile and commentary invisible, not just prevent them from sending a DM.

Letters And Numbers:
Well, apologies if you tried to block me. I'll be more quiet!

Trust me, it's not you. 🙂

I just would like a way to prevent myself from seeing commentary that makes me uncomfortable. In the spirit of being able to curate my online experience in a way that works for me.
1 year

What does blocking actually do?

Hi Canderson206.

Thanks for your question.

As Letters And Numbers advised. Blocking someone stops the individual from being able to contact you directly on the site via messages, chat, comments, liking.

Currently you can still see there activity on public spaces of the site such as forums and content galleries. Although this is something we are going to look into going forwards.

FF Team
1 year

What does blocking actually do?

I just wanted to chime in. I think even if there was a way of coding general chat to not even see certain members that could help others.

For example, people I've had to block I can still see in general chat and they can still interact with me there. Well the reason I blocked them in the first place was due to toxic behavior.

In someone else's situation they could feel unsafe if they are approached. Sure reporting can happen but at that time they could feel very vulnerable and unsure what to do.

Totally agree, and is something we will look at adding when we update chat. Chat needs a complete review and update which is on the list. It's such a big project and due to this we have to make sure we set aside appropriate time to work on it. We tend to work on the site in sections, and have a plan that we work with throughout the year to make improvements and introduce new features as well as fixing bugs an issues.

Thank you for the feedback it really is appreciated as we want FF to work for its users, so its important for us to hear your ideas and feedback!

FF Team
1 year

What does blocking actually do?

We don't make announcements of the site schedule. This is simply because things change, and certain projects and improvements overrun so we can't commit to specific deadlines. We work flexibly because we are a very small team. So sometimes improvements and new features need to be put on hold, due to needing hiccupx to work on other site areas such as critical bugs or a new issues that arise that become a priority.

Most of the time we simply soft launch improvements, and new features without making a big song and dance about it, and of course when improvements are being made to the back end of the site, users won't necessarily notice. Although sometimes a forum post or notification will be added to make users aware of changes and improvements.

We are constantly and continually working on the site and we log users suggestions so that when we get round to working on a site area or project we can check bugs or suggestions users have made that we can implement with the update.

Sometimes this means that users requests are not actioned straight away and may take some time to be addressed, but we do save them and refer to them when we create our work/ project plans.

Chat is such a mammoth task that needs a complete overhaul and tbh I would say it's unlikely to be this year, although it was on our plan for 2023. So this is likely to be rescheduled for early 2024. However this may change, we may get time to start work on it, or it may be postponed.

FF Team
1 year