
Gaining and lifting

For me both lifts gains and fat gains stalled out at different points but eventually you'll overcome those roadblocks by the combination of patience and reviewing your methods like double checking your form while lifting, exceeding your protein and calorie amount on top of calories lost per workout,etc.

Also yes lifting does considerably slow down your fat gains since it boosts your metabolism and just requires you to spend more energy.Even tho your gaining weight through muscle mass,its a very small and difficult amount to get compared to gaining fat.

While lifting does slow down fat gains, its definitely worth it for the exchange that it provides health benefits in long run while being obese.On top of that I'm just aiming for a high muscle and high fat type of body.
10 months

Gaining and lifting

I also chase a musclechub body. I've built muscle, and belly, and want more of both. But yeeeeesss... the stalling, or life gets in the way, or plateaus, or injuries, so many things get in the way of progress. This is why they say it's a marathon, not a sprint. I have to constantly remind myself of this or I'll lose my mind. LOL!

I've been a month off the gym. Travel, wicked head cold, and then lethargy. I know I'll get back to it soon and kick back into the routine of lifting big and eating big. But it's frustrating!

So I try to say to myself, this is my best for today and we'll see where it takes me. 😁👍
10 months

Gaining and lifting

Ex Jock:
I know it’s been discussed before, but who all still lifts or works out while they got into gaining? Has it helped or hindered progress?

I feel like I’ve stalled out the past couple months. Even lifts stalling out, which I guess means I’m not eating enough, so it’s fun having justification to bulk and gain even more. Going to re-double down on efforts and hopefully see some progress.

Anyone have similar experience?

Belly Builder:
I think we have had similar experiences. I found success doing a "zig zag" pattern....230 to 198 to 255 to 225 and now shooting for 275+ this time. I think lifting is important because it will ultimately let you carry more bodyweight in the long run. Plus higher weight = bigger lifts which is nice too.

Plus, that powerlifter body is sexy af.

Look at this physique:


Super sexy.
10 months

Gaining and lifting

Ex Jock:
Yeah I thought I’d start gaining more of a powerlifters body, thick all over with muscle and fat. But so far looks like I’m getting more of a ball gut lol. I know I still have a long way to go in terms of weight and strength until I get powerlifters type tho. I just imagine how it’ll continue if the muscles increase but fat all keeps going to my belly!

Also it is just so surprisingly hard to eat sometimes. I like to stuff sometimes, but I’m not a bottomless pit stomach type and it’s hard to eat when not hungry. I now know what people on bulks mean when they say eating isn’t as fun anymore. Luckily “dirty bulks” can make it more fun

If you're just growing a ball gut and not getting muscle gains, I don't think you are getting enough protein in your diet.

What do you normally eat in a day?
10 months

Gaining and lifting

If you're just growing a ball gut and not getting muscle gains, I don't think you are getting enough protein in your diet.

What do you normally eat in a day?

Ex Jock:
I agree with that logic, but was more talking pre-stall/plateau. My initial gain left me with the belly, (and I could be wrong about it qualifying as a ball gut, or even gut for that matter) but did get strength gains too. More both have stopped now, and it’s def because I’m not eating enough out of complacency but trying to re-double down my efforts.

Honestly, if you are struggling to consume enough calories, you probably need a new approach. What are you currently doing.
10 months

Gaining and lifting

Ex Jock:
Oh for sure, I def need to switch it up but sometimes hard to be consistent. I think part of it is not eating out as much, I love to cook and mostly make things at home. Lots of meat/protein, veggies, whole grains and rice, dairy, and nuts. I do have the occasional sweets, but try not to overdo it (though I know calorie dense) for the sake of my teeth and not wanting to approach diabetes. Seeing calories on menus sometimes I don’t even know how they’re so high if they were TRYING to do so haha.

i think I need to keep up with the wg shakes more, that’s what started it all for me. Sometimes I don’t have one if I eat more regular meals, but think I need to start having them on top of anything I eat during the day for a quick and easy 1000 cals

Drinking your calories would definitely help. The food you eat is decent, but I can see what it's a struggle to eat more than you already are.
10 months

Gaining and lifting

Ex Jock:
I know it’s been discussed before, but who all still lifts or works out while they got into gaining? Has it helped or hindered progress?

I feel like I’ve stalled out the past couple months. Even lifts stalling out, which I guess means I’m not eating enough, so it’s fun having justification to bulk and gain even more. Going to re-double down on efforts and hopefully see some progress.

Anyone have similar experience?

Belly Builder:
I think we have had similar experiences. I found success doing a "zig zag" pattern....230 to 198 to 255 to 225 and now shooting for 275+ this time. I think lifting is important because it will ultimately let you carry more bodyweight in the long run. Plus higher weight = bigger lifts which is nice too.

Plus, that powerlifter body is sexy af.

Look at this physique:


Super sexy.

Dear GODS if I could snap my fingers and be this...
10 months

Gaining and lifting

Ex Jock:
Yeah all good points. Thanks for the feedback. Will def have to up my liquid calories and start there while I work on stomach capacity

Don't forget the power of snacks. If you have a constant supply of easy-to-eat snacks, you'll end up eating a lot more calories than you realize.
10 months

Gaining and lifting

Ex Jock:
I know it’s been discussed before, but who all still lifts or works out while they got into gaining? Has it helped or hindered progress?

I feel like I’ve stalled out the past couple months. Even lifts stalling out, which I guess means I’m not eating enough, so it’s fun having justification to bulk and gain even more. Going to re-double down on efforts and hopefully see some progress.

Anyone have similar experience?

Belly Builder:
I think we have had similar experiences. I found success doing a "zig zag" pattern....230 to 198 to 255 to 225 and now shooting for 275+ this time. I think lifting is important because it will ultimately let you carry more bodyweight in the long run. Plus higher weight = bigger lifts which is nice too.

Plus, that powerlifter body is sexy af.

Look at this physique:


Super sexy.

Dear GODS if I could snap my fingers and be this...

All in good time, Mick. All in good time.
10 months

Gaining and lifting

Super sexy.

Dear GODS if I could snap my fingers and be this...

All in good time, Mick. All in good time.

🐖🏋‍♂️ I know this *logically*...
Lift big, eat big. Sigh... 🤣

I AM already much bigger than in 2019, so I have to keep that in mind. 👍
10 months
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