
Why do people hit me up, start chatting and then ghost me right away?

Have on probably 3 occasions now had someone reach out to me enthusiastically, get my other socials, chat with me a bunch etc… I start to feel like I’m building a real connection and then i get ghosted. Not just regular ghosted, full acct deletion ghosted.

Wtf is wrong with people?

If you like my profile and are interested that’s great!
But don’t start hitting me up, asking me for other socials, asking me about myself to get to know me, unless ur gonna hang around at least a little.

Idk, just tired of people doing this. Especially since THEY ARE THE ONES MESSAGING ME TO BEGIN WITH!

Makes me so mad. If you’re gonna hmu just to delete your acct the next day, do us both a favour and *** / don’t talk to me.

Childish behaviour from grown adults twice my age, insane lmao.
10 months

Why do people hit me up, start chatting and then ghost me right away?

Have on probably 3 occasions now had someone reach out to me enthusiastically, get my other socials, chat with me a bunch etc… I start to feel like I’m building a real connection and then i get ghosted. Not just regular ghosted, full acct deletion ghosted.

Wtf is wrong with people?

If you like my profile and are interested that’s great!
But don’t start hitting me up, asking me for other socials, asking me about myself to get to know me, unless ur gonna hang around at least a little.

Idk, just tired of people doing this. Especially since THEY ARE THE ONES MESSAGING ME TO BEGIN WITH!

Makes me so mad. If you’re gonna hmu just to delete your acct the next day, do us both a favour and *** / don’t talk to me.

Childish behaviour from grown adults twice my age, insane lmao.

Usually means they are cheating and got caught/nearly got caught. Other times things got a little too real (not necessarily with you) and they panic deleted.

Are the accounts fairly new?
10 months

Why do people hit me up, start chatting and then ghost me right away?

Sadly this is becoming more and more common in real life too. Yes, it can happen that someone loses interest after a few dates. Or that things change. But it should be common courtesy to at least tell the other that sorry, things are not working out, and say goodbye. If they don't even want to spend half a minute sending such a message, it just shows how self-centered they are and how little respect they have for others.
10 months

Why do people hit me up, start chatting and then ghost me right away?

Sadly this is becoming more and more common in real life too. Yes, it can happen that someone loses interest after a few dates. Or that things change. But it should be common courtesy to at least tell the other that sorry, things are not working out, and say goodbye. If they don't even want to spend half a minute sending such a message, it just shows how self-centered they are and how little respect they have for others.

So true, bestie
10 months

Why do people hit me up, start chatting and then ghost me right away?

I think, particularly in these fetishes, people kind of come and go. People are kind of fickle with it. Some people get into it and become scared when the numbers get larger. Others decide they don’t want to commit to being a feeder. Some people aren’t sincere in the first place. People are just all over the place.

I know it’s disheartening, but I wouldn’t take it personally.

I find it helps to keep your expectations low. Talk to people with the expectation of just shooting the breeze. If more happens, then yay. If not, oh well. Just keep it trucking.
10 months

Why do people hit me up, start chatting and then ghost me right away?

Others decide they don’t want to commit to being a feeder.

I'd like to argue this a bit, plenty of times I'd begin chatting with someone new, and pretty quickly then turn it into wanting me to buy them food or they keep directing it that way.

I'll admit I've ghosted a few people, but that's because they're just seeing me as a free meal.

I'd rather make the connection and see where everything goes before that even comes up, personally, that is.

We aren't talking about people who stop talking to other users because a user isn't treating them respectfully. We are talking about people who are attempting to build a real connection, things are going well, and then the other person ghosts them.

Not quite the same thing.
10 months

Why do people hit me up, start chatting and then ghost me right away?

Others decide they don’t want to commit to being a feeder.

I'd like to argue this a bit, plenty of times I'd begin chatting with someone new, and pretty quickly then turn it into wanting me to buy them food or they keep directing it that way.

I'll admit I've ghosted a few people, but that's because they're just seeing me as a free meal.

I'd rather make the connection and see where everything goes before that even comes up, personally, that is.

We aren't talking about people who stop talking to other users because a user isn't treating them respectfully. We are talking about people who are attempting to build a real connection, things are going well, and then the other person ghosts them.

Not quite the same thing.

Thats fair, I misunderstood. I'll delete my irrelevant comment
10 months

Why do people hit me up, start chatting and then ghost me right away?

Munchies kinda said it the best, manage them expectations. Keep your head up. Allow yourself to be content with yourself, It’s okay to do things on your own.

Things can fizzle out, interests might change, people get busy, they might not think of it as ghosting, there’s a lot of factors but ghosting is terrible for social spaces it adds s layer of scrutiny and resentment.
10 months

Why do people hit me up, start chatting and then ghost me right away?

Thats fair, I misunderstood. I'll delete my irrelevant comment

It's all good, fam.
10 months

Why do people hit me up, start chatting and then ghost me right away?

That has been the way it is for many years so really nothing to worry about.
Don't take it personally is how I deal with it.
I have made tons of friends on here so if some ghost me Its not a big deal.
Its not about views, pics or how many likes you get anyway because those really don't mean anything.
Basically you cant force someone to chat with you.
Worrying about it is just stress you don't need.
10 months
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