In my case, and for at least a couple of other people I know, yes. Obviously, it is still incremental, but over time, I expanded my calorie intake from around 2000 calories a day to 12,000 and sometimes more. And I certainly have stretched my stomach out. I'm tapering back to maintenance level, and I'm quite hungry on 4,000 to 5,000 calories a day.
That said, I have heard from others that after a full day pushing the limits, they could barely eat the following day. My point is, everyone is different, so give it a try and see what works!
If I want to push myself how much time will it take until I can easily eat this much in a normal day?
I should add the caveat that I have always been a big eater. When I was in high school, I would bring a lunch, buy a lunch, and then usually eat at the diner where I worked after school before starting my shift. I was over 300 pounds at graduation as well. In other words, my stomach was probably already very well stretched out.
I will also say that some people just struggle with stuffing. There are a lot of factors, including food intolerances and biology. What works for one person might not work exactly the same way for another. However... I have never met someone who didn't put on weight and grow their appetite by pushing every day. It's expensive, there are side effects, but it absolutely does work. Just be sensitive to your body. Push hard but not too hard so you don't turn yourself off from stuffing. Good luck!
Yes to all of this. However, I just want to tack on that capacity training shouldn't hurt. It can be uncomfortable, but it shouldn't hurt.
Listen to your body. If your body tells you that it can't take it anymore, then stop. Best case scenario is you vomit everything back up. Worst case scenario is you end up doing some major damage.