Lifestyle tips

Under belly rash

Any tips for dealing with this? It's like it never goes away and the area is always moist from my fat rubbing against each other. I've tried baby powder but doesn't help as much as I'd like since I forget to reapply it.
7 months

Under belly rash

Anti chafe stick might help
7 months

Under belly rash

Any tips for dealing with this? It's like it never goes away and the area is always moist from my fat rubbing against each other. I've tried baby powder but doesn't help as much as I'd like since I forget to reapply it.

Do you tuck your belly inside of your underwear?
7 months

Under belly rash

Try to keep the area where rolls and folds converge as dry and clean as possible and if you don’t see any changes you might wanna see a dermatologist. I have some markings on my body I can’t really do anything about now, no one really prepares for fat hygiene
7 months

Under belly rash

Like someone mentioned, do you tuck your belly in your pants or under your hang?
I suffered from this and had to learn to use powder and not forget to use it ever. You have to hammer it in your head to use it. Vaseline is also good in areas where skin rubs. You can try that.
7 months

Under belly rash

Try zeasorb or a powder for jock itch. It should help if the issue is fungal. If it doesn't go away, see your doc because it could be bacterial rash.
7 months

Under belly rash

Using an antibacterial soap when you shower once a week or more and making sure to dry it well is a big thing. Plus limiting sweat if possible which is hard. But some of the other things mentioned should help too.
7 months

Under belly rash

Using an antibacterial soap when you shower once a week or more and making sure to dry it well is a big thing. Plus limiting sweat if possible which is hard. But some of the other things mentioned should help too.

Yes, use a hair dryer on low if possible!!!
7 months

Under belly rash

Any tips for dealing with this? It's like it never goes away and the area is always moist from my fat rubbing against each other. I've tried baby powder but doesn't help as much as I'd like since I forget to reapply it.

Antifungal cream or ointment applied immediately after showering. I place a large towel under my hanging, beautiful belly and another under my DDD cup breasts. My last step is to remove all the towels and apply Medline’s antifungal cream or ointment. Apply a little generously. It’s oily and very comforting if you have the dreadful rash. Medline’s antifungal cream/ointment is available on Amazon. It’s not inexpensive but worth every penny spent on it. I cannot use any powders, it grinds my skin up like sandpaper. If you skip a shower one day, no problem. The cream /ointment is still hard at work!
7 months

Under belly rash

Could it be coming from a particular pairs of pants that you’re wearing? Especially one that hasn’t been washed in awhile? Sometimes I do get itchy from that.
7 months
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