Fat experiences

Fat mind

Did you notice any psychological changes since you got fat?
4 months

Fat mind

I’m no longer bothered what people might think if I order what I want, I’m no longer bothered eating or drinking by myself

I don’t have active hobbies anymore if I’m not working or going on my nightly walk I’m sitting
4 months

Fat mind

Yeah a lot 😅
Becoming more and more submissive as i get fatter, also becoming more and more lazy and tired from just the sligest things, like getting shoes on😅

The more unhealthy junkfood i eat the more it turns me on, and the more i want to gain even more.

Findig new stretchmarks all over my body turnes me on like nothing else i have ever tried before😅

How I have ate myself so morbidly obese that i cant have penetrative sex anymore because of buried penis syndrome, but dosent care, well archually it turnes me on 😅
Its so wierd how fat changes your mind the fatter you get 😅
4 months

Fat mind

I don't know if the new fat itself has an effect on this, but...

Since I weigh more and have tried eating until I fall asleep or drinking from a funnel, I sometimes have compulsive thoughts about swallowing food.

These are just thoughts, but several times I actually grabbed a few bars and ate them in a matter of seconds.

Compulsive thoughts get to me too like "I should go to a buffet and stuff myself until I am packed full" or "I should eat this entire bowl of candy"

Rare I act on that pure impulse, and if I do, it feels weird and gross actually.
4 months

Fat mind

I think the major one for be was interacting with exercise, for example if while visiting family they invite me to do a quick dog walk with them, I jump to saying no while thinking I can't make it bc I'm not as fit as them and I don't want to have to get up.

The other one is always ensuring there is a plan to not miss a meal when planning going out for groceries, making a trip to pick up my gf from the airport, and actually taking time to plan to make sure I don't miss a meal/snack because I can't stand being hungry.
2 months

Fat mind

I think the major one for be was interacting with exercise, for example if while visiting family they invite me to do a quick dog walk with them, I jump to saying no while thinking I can't make it bc I'm not as fit as them and I don't want to have to get up.

The other one is always ensuring there is a plan to not miss a meal when planning going out for groceries, making a trip to pick up my gf from the airport, and actually taking time to plan to make sure I don't miss a meal/snack because I can't stand being hungry.

Along the same lines for me. I actively avoid unnecessary physical activity and tend to give some lame excuse to friends or relatives if they try to rope me into something that involves a lot of walking.

I definitely make sure any plans I have do not collide with meal times and always include food. For me it’s not so much about not being hungry. I generally eat so much that I am very rarely actually hungry. It’s more about making sure I am full, as being full is very important to my happiness!
2 months

Fat mind

I still get hungry if I haven’t eaten sometimes I put off eating and just pig out around dinner time.

That being said I eat just for fun all the time sometimes I’ll have second dinner just for the fun of going out to eat
2 months