You are not the only one. It's hard to find the right person, but hang in there. And while you wait, get your financial house in order. There are few better feeders than ones who can easily afford food, clothes, plane tickets and such.
I mean, becoming financially stable is important, but that's not nearly enough. Many (usually male) feeders mistake being financially stable and monetarily generous for being someone worthy of spending time with.
Besides, despite guys griping about the contrary, there are many (usually female) feedees who refuse money from unfamiliar feeders because they will take that as them owing them for things they don't want. For example, because a feeder paid a feedee for food, they owe them nudes.
In my experience, the best way to get into a feedist relationship is to be someone they can be vulnerable with and not have your fetish as the main/sole part of your relationship. This should be a person you can at least see yourself being friends with.