Story authors


Hey everyone. First of all I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to put this question to the community at large. Please ask if you want me to take down the post.

I've written a lot here, for both fun and profit, but I've kind of hit a brick wall and feel very blech about writing all of a sudden, like I'm just forcing myself to continue the stories I'm writing now.

Maybe I just need inspiration, maybe I'm just rambling excessively. IDK TBH. But maybe it would help to ask if anyone has any requests/suggestions/ideas.

So, does anyone have something they'd like to see me write? And if you've read my stuff I'd love to hear what you think needs work, and/or anything you particularly like and would want to see more of.

If anyone does so then thank you for your time and thought.
1 month


Maybe instead of stories, write an article. There needs to be new content there.
4 weeks


Where exactly do you mean?

Like, I understand the whole "the world is your oyster." Type mindset, but to be entirely honest I kind of just stumbled upon writing here even.
4 weeks


What I meant was to write something to be added to instead of a story. Something non-fiction that is either researched or opinion-based.
3 weeks


I’m going to move this to the story authors forum if you don’t mind. It probably fits there much better.

In general, though, I find when I get burned out on writing kinky stuff, it often helps to do something completely different for a little while: try a different fiction genre or poetry or something memoirish. Even just doing a few prompt exercises can be good for working out different muscles.

I have a small group with some folks from here and other friendly types, I try to do different kinds of exercises like that. If you’d like to join, let me know.
3 weeks