So, i tried this that Munchies linked out and here are the results:
Logician INTP-A
Energy: 72% Introverted
Mind: 74% Intuitive
... I forgot the rest...
Anyways, i find some of the things it says to be correct but others to be not.
I enjoy thinking a lot and in depth, although my thoughts are often chaotic and, seemingly unconnected. I do get lost in them. Having said that, i think i oftentimes arrive at incredible ideas.
The downside of my personality is that im always lonely, i oftentimes feel a desperate need to share these ideas in order for them to be, lets say, respectfully criticised and primarily because i genuinly think they can help people (and thats something i really love doing). But i dont feel comfortable with sharing them with people who i dont trust to a high degree. And the only way, i have found, with which i can begin trusting someone is them demonstrating their intelligence to me, regardless of if that is direct or indirect.
I think im also in a constant state of anxiety due to my thoughts, and the worst, about this part, is that the only way to get out of this anxiety is to stop having these thoughts, which is something i percieve as incredibly unethical, so i would feel really bad and anxious about doing it! :c
I hadn't expected to see you for a bit. I thought you were in boot camp.