Lifestyle tips

How to get bad skin?

Well I don’t recommend this at all but if you really really want to break out just stop washing specially after you eat greasy foods.
1 week

How to get bad skin?

Just stop your skincare routine and eat nothing but processed foods, it's as easy as that
1 week

How to get bad skin?

When I was in a bad marriage I decided to stop with my skincare routine and it took around 2 months to see changes.
I was trying to gain weight too just to piss off my husband.
I did gain around 30 lbs and really stopped showering every day.
I ended up showering only if we were going out somewhere and never washed my face.
3rd month in and a few more lbs from binging on ice cream while he was at work that I noticed I was getting very oily skin and developing blackheads on my face.
I really started breaking out more and more and he finally filed for divorce.
After it was final I lost the weight and started going to the dermatologist to get my skin issues under control.
6 days

How to get bad skin?

I will forever be fascinated by the people who self-harm out of spite or fetish.
6 days

How to get bad skin?

I will forever be fascinated by the people who self-harm out of spite or fetish.

Yes, and as I've questioned before, was not the husband the "winner" in this case? Many of us are fat admirers but doing this only out of spite is hard to comprehend.
6 days

How to get bad skin?

In my case having a husband that controlled everything in your life from what time you got up in the morning to the time you went to bed is enough to make spite a very strong thing.
I was his "trophy wife".
I had to dress to the nines any time I went out with him and even if I went to the grocery.
If I failed to do exactly as he ordered he would slap me around and call me horrible names.
I doubt any of you ladies here would put up with that.
My spite was not really self harm to me but to his ego.
I knew it was temporary.
6 days

How to get bad skin?

I understand you’re a bit older but like you know no fault divorce exists has since the 60s lol, I get it to a level it’s kinda like mean girls but to your self instead of a outward thing glad you’re out of that abusive situation!
6 days

How to get bad skin?

I knew all about the no fault but there were legal property issues that I needed to protect at the time
6 days

How to get bad skin?

In my case having a husband that controlled everything in your life from what time you got up in the morning to the time you went to bed is enough to make spite a very strong thing.
I was his "trophy wife".
I had to dress to the nines any time I went out with him and even if I went to the grocery.
If I failed to do exactly as he ordered he would slap me around and call me horrible names.
I doubt any of you ladies here would put up with that.
My spite was not really self harm to me but to his ego.
I knew it was temporary.

Eh, what do I know? I've never been in an abusive relationship. My mom raised me in one, but I handled it by holding a steak knife to his throat.

That said, I was talking more about OP, who has since deleted her post.
6 days

How to get bad skin?

In my case having a husband that controlled everything in your life from what time you got up in the morning to the time you went to bed is enough to make spite a very strong thing.
I was his "trophy wife".
I had to dress to the nines any time I went out with him and even if I went to the grocery.
If I failed to do exactly as he ordered he would slap me around and call me horrible names.
I doubt any of you ladies here would put up with that.
My spite was not really self harm to me but to his ego.
I knew it was temporary.

Wtf!?!? Im so sorry you had to pass even a day of this! Its traumatic!
6 days
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