
Fat girl waddle

I love noticing changes like that, in how I sit, stand, do things. I am walking MUUUUUCH slower now--partly disability, partly fat--and sitting with my legs quite a bit apart to accommodate my thighs and belly. Yummmm...I do love those changes...
15 years

Fat girl waddle

What exactly causes the "waddle" anyway? Just fat between the thighs rubbing or what? I'd imagine you'd have to be pretty big to waddle
15 years

Fat girl waddle

i waddle... and i kinda like it. when the boyfriend has to grab on for dear life while trying to walk next to me... yea i has a waddle.

and a video to prove it.
only... its taped on its side... ooops. use ya imagination

those pants have sense died. RIP my pants... and sorry for the silly "whadda dooooing????" i didnt think a dog walk at the park would turn out... so interesting.
short one...

and a longer one...i never realized how fat i was until i saw this... or how much i did waddle.
15 years