
Gaining colleague

There's a woman at work who's been gaining weight slowly but surely. The story starts about 4 years ago when I joined the company. Hannah and Michaela are sisters, Michaela is maybe a year older than Hannah and both are skinny women, about 5' 4". Long shiny black hair frame very pretty faces, and they enjoy a Mediterranean tanned skin colour thanks to their Italian mum. They are often mistaken for identical twins and any difference is only seen close-up. Both are lovely people, bubbly and fun, always laughing. Most guys in the firm rank them in the top 10, although they're both too skinny for my taste.

At one point I thought I noticed Hannah was filling her skirt suit a bit more than usual, but put it down to my hidden desires and assumed it was that time of the month. I kept an eye on her however and was pleased to see that her suits looked ever tighter, but it was still so slight that I took it for granted she'd lose a couple of pounds when bikini season came round. Meanwhile Michaela retained her skinny form. Imagine my sheer joy when I joined them both in the lift one day last October and could really see that Hannah had gained noticeably: her belly pushed out the dress further than her A cup breasts, stretching her skirt to the limit and her face looked plumper than Michaela's, with soft cheeks and a hint of a double chin.

Since then Hannah has clearly been over-eating as she's now wearing clothes at least a size bigger with a body that cries out for the next size up. Her body is now soft all over, her breasts are a large handful and win the daily fight with her too-small shirts. Her butt and hips have swelled to a tantalising plumpness, and her round belly shows she's still stuffing herself. Her face has filled out to a soft bubble with the cutest dimples ever. I now find every excuse to pop by their desks and enjoy seeing the difference between the still-skinny Michaela and the growing, jiggling Hannah, a marvellous daily display and reminder of her gain. I also go out to lunch with Hannah occassionally and enjoy tempting her to more bread rolls or a dessert.

The best part is that Hannah is still as bubbly and happy as ever, clearly comfortable with herself in her new fatter body. Now I hope the next episode sees Hannah continue to grow, and perhaps the family genes will catch up with Michaela. That would truly make up for the bonus we had to miss out on this year!
15 years