
Ladies only this thread!

i agree with Xutjja, i do whatever i want... and that includes eating whatever i want when i want.

i thought my breasts as i hit 300 were the only part of me that were going to grow while the rest of me became just pudgy.
then all the sudden my belly at 350 started to really grow, and now my arms and thighs.
i know what you mean... im a 44DD, sometimes i wander into the DDD section. also depends upon the bra, Victoria Secret cant hold MY DDs in their triple D bras.but walmart brands like vasseret can hold them at the DD section.
15 years

Ladies only this thread!

*waves penis*
Oh wait, girls only?
15 years

Ladies only this thread!

Since I started enjoying my size and appetites I've never tried to conceal them. On the contrary! A few years ago my friend 'Etta and I went out for dinner at Brown's, ate dinner and dessert, and then shocked the waitress by ordering ''same again''. The Brown's staff are mostly skinny and (conventionally) fashionable and the thought of Etta and I doing dinner twice in an evening was evidently a bit of a challenge for our waitress. Some of the other diners were visibly quite curious, and we got a lot of looks of the kind anybody who's been gluttonous in public will know. But nobody was mean, and there was a friendly cheer from a table of student girls nearby when we finished the second ''lap''.
15 years