
My wifes skinny friend has become fat!

O.K. I will try and summerize.

We have known my wifes good friend for 10+ yrs. and she was always the 5'7" slender bikini body type with large breasts (Probably around 120 Lbs.), where as my wife has always been very hot but shorter at 5' 3" and curvy (around 140 Lbs.) and became fat by societies standards a while back (around 180 Lbs.). I never use to think of my wife as fat because I always wanted her bigger yet. But when we would be at the beach and both women in bikini's I clearly noticed how fat my wife had become "I loved it" but in comparison between the two in there bikini's even I would catch myself thinking WOW my wife is fat. We would later be home and once again I would think my wife looked skinny to me. It was all about the contrast in the Bikini's.

So over the years my wife lost some weight and was around 155-160 Lbs. but all of a sudden her friend was slightly gaining some Lbs. that was not very noticeable but a certain change on her once very slender figure. A year ago we gat together at the beach and it was pretty evident she had put on quite a bit of weight, in fact she was discussing it openly with my wife and myself saying she better start dieting because she has gotten big. My wife said to her, "not even" you are still so thin, even though she was plumped up quite a bit. The first thing my wife said to me when we got in the car was WOW she is a big girl now, "she's Fat!" I was pretty taken back with her added Lbs. but it was funny to hear my wife talking about her weight as if she her friend really had to to do something about it as if she was out of control. It was quite a turn on to have my wife talking about this weight gain so we kept it up for a while to my delight.

So another sixth months went by with us not seeing her friend which we all use to be inseperable with and we were at there house to eat over for dinner. As we strolled in and met her out by the pool she was in her bikini when she greeted us and my jaw nearly hit the ground as she gave me the biggest hug and said hi. She easily put on another 30-40 Lbs. since the last tome I saw her, when she hugged me my arms just squished into her wide soft sides with her belly pushing me back while her breasts were monsterous and I am sure I must have been blushing with the hug her body engulfed me.

As I approached my wife serving herself a plate of food out back at the BBQ counter where no one was in close proximity to us the first words out of my wifes mouth was "She is Huge" I replied yeah, she put on a few Lbs. my wife looked shocked and said a few, I would'nt be surprised if she is fifty Lbs. bigger.

So the whole ride home my wife was in amazement of her friends fattening figure and could not stop talking about it which did'nt bother me one bit because it was quite the turn on and my wife was even saying how she herself has been eating like crazy lately and feeling fatter, but after seeing her friend she did'nt mind stuffing her face because she felt skinny next to her. Which was true her friend use to seem so tall because she was so thin, but now the looked more similar in height because her friend is so much wider and my wife actually looked skinny standing next to her friend. I later told my wife that she has some work to do to catch up to her friend now. I told her I thought her friend look's better to me than she used to because she llok's more comfortable and happy and when you hug her it's not like a bag of bones. Hopefully that sunk in to my wife ad she will feel comfortable to start really packing on the Lbs. again.
15 years