
Weekend gain

I'm finally going to get my fantasy. This lovely lady and I are going to stuff ourselves silly for a weekend.
The goal is for each of us to gain 15-20lbs from Thursday to Sunday when I leave.
She is 30, 5'8" 140lbs and I'm 22, 5'9" 195lbs body builder with 8-9% bodyfat.
The first night we are going to measure each other and take pics before we head out to an all you can eat bar and see if we can get kicked out.
I want any input I can get from the serious gainers on putting on weight in a hurry. Anything we can eat a lot of and pack the weight on fast. She wants my pants to not fit when I leave. lol smiley
15 years

Weekend gain

Sounds fun as!

lucky bugger...

Max Out

15 years

Weekend gain

Actually I'm fat right now. I'm a body builder and I got down to 178lbs with a little over 3% on competition day. That'll change soon enough when I get into full off season mode!!
15 years

Weekend gain

my off season weight is 220lbs. I'd like to get bigger than that, but its hard for me to eat the calories required. Hopefully this will help me and help my lovely friend gain too. smiley
15 years