
Is starting from a really low weight different?

I think starting thin and gaining fast does work out differently than a gradual gain from either average weight to a little chubby. The S31 models Ailleen and Shirley both started at over 5' tall but in the 85-90 pound range. And while both have gained nicely in their legs and booty they both got biggest in the belly. And they both had amazing fast gains at first that seemed to run into a brick wall and slow down greatly.
Their "coach" Cole on the other hand started out as a short and chubby 130 and rapidly gained to 180 and now is nearly 260. She is gorgeously Round! Same with the awesome Mari who has gained over 100 pounds from 195 to 315smiley and is the thickest hourglass anywhere.
I hope you keep gaining at a fast rate and see if things will even out for you. But big belly girls are wonderful too. Gaining girls are just wonderful-period.
15 years