
A first impression

Sometimes I think how stupid it is that physical characteristics are at all considered when looking to enter a relationship with someone. I mean, I think fat people are totally hot and am proud to say so, but I have a history of meeting, and subsequently dating, thin people with great personalities, and how shallow would it be of me to complain about this? But here I am, complaining. I want to meet fat people with great personalities, because with as many people as there are on this planet, there ought to be a cake that I can both have and eat, as well as have a companion to share it with.

But that requires meeting people. I'm bad at meeting people. I leave poor first impressions. People think I'm bitter and sarcastic, cold and closed off, when in truth I want so badly to reach out to people and don't know how. I'm not bitter, I just have a peculiar sense of humour and manner of speaking. I'm not cold, I'm just cripplingly introverted and so it may sound a bit forced when I have to be the one initiating conversation. I have plenty to say once I'm situated, and can tell stories, and write songs, and predict the future. Or at least tell lies in the interest of my own intrigue.

Hi, I'm Sam, pleased to meet you. I'd be delighted to be your friend.
15 years

A first impression

SynecdocheSam wrote
Sometimes I think how stupid it is that physical characteristics are at all considered when looking to enter a relationship with someone. I mean, I think fat people are totally hot and am proud to say so, but I have a history of meeting, and subsequently dating, thin people with great personalities, and how shallow would it be of me to complain about this? But here I am, complaining. I want to meet fat people with great personalities, because with as many people as there are on this planet, there ought to be a cake that I can both have and eat, as well as have a companion to share it with.

But that requires meeting people. I'm bad at meeting people. I leave poor first impressions. People think I'm bitter and sarcastic, cold and closed off, when in truth I want so badly to reach out to people and don't know how. I'm not bitter, I just have a peculiar sense of humour and manner of speaking. I'm not cold, I'm just cripplingly introverted and so it may sound a bit forced when I have to be the one initiating conversation. I have plenty to say once I'm situated, and can tell stories, and write songs, and predict the future. Or at least tell lies in the interest of my own intrigue.

Hi, I'm Sam, pleased to meet you. I'd be delighted to be your friend.

I think know where your coming from. I think I'm probably as introverted as a rock, or I can be. It's hard to open up to people in person, or to find that comfort zone to talk in. It's one of life's great lessons I guess. I learned that I can relate better to people that have had the same experiences as me, than to people that have had entirely different lives. I can't open up to people that have shallow personalities to start with.
15 years