
Why do girls date guys who have a girlfriend or vice versa?

I had a girl who told me she was single and she ended up being married. I've had at least 3 other girls who were dating someone tell me they were single.

yeah, makes you wonder.
15 years

Why do girls date guys who have a girlfriend or vice versa?

xwasuxx933 wrote
I think girls go after guys in relationships because the girl realizes that there has to be some qualitative trait to the guy if someone has taken the time to be committed to him. And vice versa. I mean, haven't you realize that you get more attention when you're in a relationship than when you're single? Flirtation galore.

I was thinking of something along those lines. A guy or girl must have qualities if they are taken. Well said.
I don't know how many people just do it for kicks and challenge themselves to get a taken person. Probably not many (hopefully).
When I was single, I couldn't even get a hello from a girl in public, now that I'm married, I talk to heaps of people, and my ex's coinidentally started talking to me again.
15 years