
Fat affects

I like to see women gain weight bottom line. It can be someone you have not seen in a while, someone you witness for the first time and can tell they have recently gained, but it is best when it is a significant other.

I love the physical effects from them out growing there clothes, them being in denial, doing normal things getting slightly more difficult (like tying there shoes with much more belly in there way) to being out of breath doing light activity and the best used to be for me having her step on the scale when she didnt want to look knowing she could not read the #'s anyways with her big growing belly in the way and realizing she has gained more.

Now this sound's strange but I am really aroused by the phsycological side as well for instance when they know they are gaining and they feel out of control with there eating and you witness them eating more and more and just keep on watching them and try to keep it going on.

It is really sexy and exciting, for example what happened to my wife years ago, she was a work out fanatic with a curvy toned figure with a slight lower belly and thicker muscular thighs but in crazy good condition, after her pregnancies she gained 70 Lbs. and was an FA's dream (especially mine) She was embarrassed of all her added weight but I thought she was so much more beautiful than ever before. She told me she was soon going to lose all this weight with work outs starting very soon. I told her it was not necessary that she looked better know to me. So she started back to the gym but she had an extremely hard time dropping the weight, she thought she was going to go right back to the gym and workout and lose all the weight in a couple of months (Iwas actually was scared she might be able to do that). After the first two weeks and to my surprise I actually thought she may have gained a little more weight in fact she gained quite a bit and her appetite was bigger than ever. I actually came home from work early one afternoon and saw her eating out of a carton of icecream on the couch in her workout clothes which happened to be extremely snug on her beautiful new figure and she just purchased them recently for going back to the gym, I shocked her with surprise and asked her how her workout was and thats when she told me she had been going to the gym and started on the stairmaster and after 10 minutes she was totally done. She said that now she knows how lame it is to workout when you have more weight to carry around, she said with every motion on the atirmaster her belly, huge boobs and ass was jiggling out of control. I consoled her and her vulnerability was so cute and such a turn on, she then said "so anyways I would come home for the past few weeks after a non existent workout and stuff my face, I have gained even more weight and I cant seem to stop".

Thats when I reached my ultimate fantasy come true with my wife, when she was gaining and her becoming vulnerable, so I would have to say for me the physical/visual effects weight gain had on my wife were only way intensified with her vulnerability and talk of her gaining out of control. She was a physical and phsycological dream for someone that was an FA and into weight gain.
14 years